May 16, 2024

Spring concert day! (16/05/-24), cencored public version

I had a really busy day today. School started at 8:00 and ended at 15:45 and I did a lot of school work in jump lessons too. Instead of going to English class we had rehearsals for the graduation celebration coming in two weeks. After school I was busy going to rehearsals as there were ones at 16:00, 16:15 and 17:00 before the spring concert at 18:00 (we had to arrive at 17:45). The concert went great but of course I had to make some mistakes! I was really happy with my new "celebratory" clothes, too!

The rehearsals of the day kept me really busy after school. As there were so many rehearsals I got stressed out about there being enough time to eat and change clothes and all, but I did have enough time to do everything I needed to do and be everywhere where I needed to be (though there was a lot of going back and forth between music places and home).

In the concert I played Telemann's II part on viola, a friend's arrangement of a traditional dong on violin and another friend's nameless composition and Cry Me A River on bass. I made the most mistakes in Telemann and the least in Cry Me A River. The concert was great overall though I was sat next to a blabbering baby for the first half of the evening. I complimented a few people for their performances because their stress was very visible on their faces and got a lot of compliments on my playing too!

I played really great, actually. I thought that I would make a lot more mistakes than I did: everything except for Telemann went as perfectly as they ever could have, with only one to two mistakes. Telemann had mostly purity mistakes in it because I hadn't been practicing it enough.

The positive ending: My best friend is in town and we're going to try and meet during the 2+ weeks she's gonna be here.

Written by IHaveFallen

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