May 29, 2024

So satisfied that it hurts

11:20 PM

It takes a lot to create and draw a single character. I'm just thinking about the video games I have played and how much effort it takes to create and draw a single character from that game, not to mention characters that have their own background story. In stories, novels, anime, and movies as well, character creation takes a lot of effort. They have to have their own personality and their own desires. It's hard to write a decent and consistent character, but we see it all the time in all of the classical works, and I think that deserves some praise.

I've started to put more appreciation into all creations. Everything in the App Store is a work of art. It takes so much time and effort for all of the apps in the app store. How much artwork, music, programming, storytelling experience and knowledge went into creating all of these works of art? I'm not even just talking about the games, but every kind of app available. Is it strange that most apps out there are good? I've yet to really find an app that sucked. Think of how much time it must take to even program something like a main menu, let alone all of the features that whatever app or game has.

As a developer, I've developed all sorts of apps, games, websites, everything. I've done it all in the past. I'm not sure I can do the same today, because I know how much time and effort they take. I'm not the same person today as I was in my past. Back then it might have been easier for me to dedicate hours and hours just staring at a screen and working on something consistently. I've now been exposed to social media, I know what it's like to have reached millions of people, as my tweets will sometimes get over a hundred of thousand views, and this has happened probably more than 50 times.

My tweets will take about a minute or two to write, and then they could reach a quarter million people. This makes me feel like using up weeks of time on something, only to get like 100 downloads, feel like wasted effort. I have probably published more than 20 apps to the different app stores, hard to recall them all, and some of them will only get around 100 downloads. It could take a week's effort to make an app, as in, 12 hours a day for a week or something like that. It could take a lot of thinking, a lot of concentration, a lot of stress, a lot of perfection, and it could result in pretty much no one even looking at the creation at all.

So I'm now spoiled by social media, and how easy it is to get a lot of reach. I feel like if I take years of time to create something, and yes some of these apps do take years to create, and it gets no downloads, that it would be wasted effort. I don't even feel like trying anymore, just because I know how futile it can be. Although at the same time, for personal and spiritual growth, I know how effort exerted is valuable too. It's hard for me to concentrate.

Anyway, today was a pretty amazing day. I woke up and my electricity was still out. It was out until just before 9 AM. During that time in the morning, I basically just cleaned, washed the dishes, swept the floors, and contemplated what I would do about the Internet. I either needed to go to the library, or to a local Starbucks, so that I could use the Internet there. I took a shower, changed clothes, I was getting ready to head out, and that's when the electricity came back on.

I was tired in the morning, but I still exercised, and did my brain training. After eating a bunch of vegetables and a veggie burger, I became fully energized again. I tackled the day with a gusto, getting done what I could. I didn't get that many views on my tweets on Twitter today, probably just around a thousand views, but I put in the effort that I could. I tried. That's the best I could do.

I can't control how many views my tweets get, no one can. I don't have that many followers, so a consistent amount of viewership isn't guaranteed for me, unlike an account with 300k followers for example, their viewership is basically guaranteed. I still try though. I will put out a tweet, hoping that it gets some attention. I try to just advocate for the animals, try to convince people to stop hurting and killing them to eat, I hope people listen but I can't control if they do or not. I just try to get the message out there.

I am very satisfied with my life. I'm so satisfied with my life that it sometimes hurts because I can't share the joy with anyone else. I love my circumstances, I love my struggles, I love the people I love. My life isn't perfect at all by any means, but I am very happy and satisfied with it. I'm happy with my experiences, my skills, my knowledge, my possessions, my views, my attitude, I like them all.

Things aren't easy for me at all either. Even though I do have a paid off home (a condo), and I do run a profitable business, and I do have caring family and friends, nothing is still easy for me. Everything takes organization, concentration, work and effort. Nothing comes easily to me, and I often wish I had help. I basically tackle everything alone.

Anyway, that was my day today. Today was as good as any other, in terms of productivity, but not in terms of adventure.

Written by JustMegawatt

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