June 6, 2024

Worked all day

1:09 AM (of Friday, June 7th 2024)

Today is Thursday, June 6th 2024. I just had one goal in mind for the entire day today, and that was to complete one of my work tasks before noon. I stayed up until 3 AM last night not working on it, but watching some anime instead. I was procrastinating.

Since this was a major thing to complete, my body woke itself up at 5 AM, basically telling me to get it done already. I have this ability sort of, where I can tell myself that I want to wake up early by a certain time, and my body will wake itself up close to that time. It doesn't work the opposite way, I can't tell myself that I want to get 12 hours of sleep, even if I really want to, my body would just wake itself up much earlier than that. Also this doesn't work all the time. I think at minimum I can tell myself to sleep for just 2 hours, and a maximum of 6 hours, and my body will wake itself up within those ranges.

What needed to be done wasn't that difficult, but my initial implementation of it may not have been great, so there were issues with it. I put some music up, and mustered up all of my discipline, to just work on this task for the next 7 hours straight. I actually did take breaks every now and then, to watch some anime for a few minutes, or to eat a meal. I just needed some activities to take my mind off work every now and then.

I finished the task at around 12. My clients emailed me a little bit before then, asking if it would be ready soon. I emailed them once I finished, and they worked on testing it. There were of course expected issues that came up, and I spent the next 5 hours emailing them back and forth and resolving them. We were able to resolve all of the issues that came up today, and I passed out in bed at around 5 PM. I didn't actually want to go to sleep, I went into my room to lie down for a little bit, and I ended up outright just passing out. I woke up two hours later.

Since then I've just been eating, and watching some anime, and playing some mobile games. I do wonder what my life would be like if I banned myself from these waste of time activities for a few days, or for my entire life. I'm sure I would be able to do other more productive things with my spare time. It really doesn't feel like it hurts when I'm indulged in anime or a mobile game, these activities feel pleasurable, but they're not good to spend your time on. I know that too, but I have a hard time resisting.

Wahl posted a story today, the first time in over a month I think, at least, that I've been able to see. I messaged her about her story, it's been a while since I messaged her, and it felt nice.

I have some more work tasks to complete tonight actually. I mean yeah my clients said it was done, they tested it thoroughly and said it was good, but there's two things I want to fix. Two very minor things. It will take me like 10 minutes at the most to fix both things, so I've been procrastinating on that because of how quickly I think I can get it done. I should just get it done right now. I want to get it done before I go to sleep.

Anyway, I think I will quit anime and video games again. It will be good for my life.

Written by JustMegawatt

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