June 16, 2024


This week I won the challenge for daily journaling in Habitica (hello JustMegawatt, of you read public journals) and it made me really happy. It was the second challenge that I've ever won.

During this week I've come to a realisation about journaling that would've helped me on my previous weeks of participating on this challenge (this was my third entry and the only time I've managed to journal daily up to this point). As I saw a challenge specifically for journaling prompts I realised that journaling didn't have to be only about the events of the day but also about the realisations and thoughts of the day. On my previous tried in the journaling challenge it has really been a challenge because nothing special happened during the day. I would just do the same mundane things and hope I had read or practiced of worked out instead of just rotting on my phone.

I'm going to finish writing this in the morning because I've already tried writing this twice and it always fails at saving this post. It's to late for me to deal with this...

Nah, I'm not tired enough to fall asleep yet though I'm writing this in bed. I'll try one more time and if the save fails I'm giving up.

I usually don't publish anything but because this mentions the person and the challenge for which I started journalling more than twice a decade I thought it just fair to publish this one.

I realised the extent to which I play Hatsune Miku: Colourful Stage when I counted that I reinstalled (and restarted) the game two and a half weeks ago and an already at player level 42. It's a lot of playing.

I took a photo of our dog sleeping at the foot of my bed while writing this in the evening because it was the first time I saw how she sleeps when I take her up here. She's a relaxed sleeper <3

It turns out that the problems with saving occurred because of said photo so I'm giving up on it.

Written by IHaveFallen

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Posted On Jun 17, 2024

Hello!! Congratulations!! Yeah most of our days can be pretty mundane. It's up to you what you do with it. You can literally do anything, work on some new creations, go on an adventure, meet new people, it's all up to you.

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