June 17, 2024

Back to being productive again

11:59 PM

Unlike yesterday, I started today with a purpose. I wrote down a task list that I wanted to work on, and I started my day. I put in two items, and I was only able to complete one of them, which was to review and modify my dailies. My dailies are my daily tasks that I work on.

Last week I made it so that I have to fulfill some dailies to "unlock" an activity to do. Like, I made it so that if I wanted to unlock the ability to eat that day, I first have to do 10 minutes of walking, 5 .pull ups, 5 chin ups, 20 push ups, 20 leg raises, and 20 squats. This is about half of what I had to do before, but I'm just experimenting with this for now. Previously, I'd do double this before I allowed myself to eat, but that was an unwritten rule. This time I have this rule set in place, that I have to do this much first in order to eat.

Another one is that before I can even get out of bed, I first have to write my tasks for the day, and review my dailies for the day. Before I can log onto any social media, I have to do my brain training first. I made it so that before I can go to sleep, I have to write at least one journal entry for the day, and also do at least 1 vegan activism tweet a day, and so on. I have just have these dailies that "unlock" abilities for the day. If I don't do the exercises, then I just don't eat. It's that simple.

The only person keeping me accountable for this, is myself. I can literally just break any rule, for example, I can just go to sleep without writing a journal entry, and I know nothing will happen. I can eat food without exercising first, and I know nothing will happen. It's a problem in a way, because I have full control of it. I made the arbitrary rules and I can break them at any time with no punishment. Right now I'm following the rules, but there's literally nothing making me do them, except for myself and my own discipline.

So the reason I stopped this, and I didn't do it for the whole past week for example and just started it up again today, is because I asked ChatGPT about it. I asked ChatGPT if it was a healthy and good idea to set limits on myself like this, like in order to eat, that I first have to do these exercises. It basically replied that it was a terrible and unhealthy idea, and that discouraged me. Usually ChatGPT agrees with everything I say, but not this time. It hated this idea, so I stopped. But, now I'm back doing it again, and I'm not going to listen to ChatGPT's opinion on this anymore. I can stop if I wanted to, there's no rules, if it got to the point in which it was ruining my life then I'd stop, but for now, I'm only seeing positives.

So I worked for most of the day today. I actually cleaned up the kitchen first, I swept, and I even took a shower. I still worked for most of the day today which was nice. It's been a while (a few days) since I felt productive, so it was great getting back into that groove of sending out emails, replying, doing work, and so on. I was actually still pretty tired and demotivated while working, but I forced myself to get over it, so I got a good amount done. Woohoo!

Work can be extremely boring. I know exactly the steps on what to do, for basically any task, but it's just like exercising. You might know exactly what workouts to do, but it takes work to do them. It's the same with any kind of work. If I was an artist, I would know exactly how to draw anything, but it still takes work and lots of steps. It's the same with what I have to do, which is kind of a mix of everything, business management, programming, marketing, and so on. Even if I knew exactly what to do, it's kind of annoying and tedious clicking and typing and doing all sorts of things on the screen.

I don't know why I'm complaining. Everyone has to do work. Everyone. Even retired people still have to clean up and do chores and do the basics like grocery shopping and so on. It's still work in a way. Why would anyone want to retire anyway? I think I would never want to retire. I can take breaks and vacations, but fully retire? I don't think I will ever do that. I wouldn't know what to do with all the free time.

Anyway, so today was a good day today. I went to the gym later at night with some friends and it was great. I did some new personal bests in working out, and I was challenged to do some push ups. I won one round, and tied in the other round, by doing 31 push ups, and 30 push ups. We also did pull ups, dips, and other exercises. I think I am getting competitive here. In order to not be left out, I will do some exercises again in my spare time, and look forward to it.

I think the reason why I was unmotivated before, is I felt like I had no reason to exercise. Sure I could do it to impress my crush, but that wasn't motivating enough. The benefits of not doing anything, just sitting around, felt better than torturing myself going through these workouts every day. However, now that my friends and I are starting to have some competition, I think I can have fun with this. I'm motivated to work out now and improve, so that I'm not left behind, and so that I can even surpass some of my friends.

Then after that, I went back home and ate a lot. I'm really sleepy now. I'm going to brush my teeth or something and go to sleep. I think today was a good day.

Written by JustMegawatt

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