June 22, 2024


BB loves looking out the screen door to the balcony. (What does he see out there? Maybe it’s just a nice shade of green. Or maybe he sees a place he hasn’t been and wants to go there.) On Friday he kept pointing at it, and I’d pick him up and let him look outside.

On Saturday, Mom opened the screen door and stepped out on the balcony with him to give him a better view. After that, whenever I carried him near the balcony, he’d flop over to grab the screen door handle and pull on it. He was watching! He knows how it works now! How is this kid so smart?

I also carried him by the kitchen screen door. We were at the side opposite from the sliding door, so there was no handle to grab. Instead he scrabbled his fingers at the corner and tried pulling horizontally. This kid can intuit mechanics.

Written by Achaius

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