June 27, 2024

Just needed some alone time for my legs to heal

11:43 PM

I haven't gone outside in about 4 days because of the bug bites on my legs. As of today, they don't itch anymore, and are starting to get darker and smaller. I hope they don't scar.

Getting bitten by noseeums was a wake-up call. I have to ask what I'm doing with my life. Why haven't I been as active as I have been? Remember when I used to do those workouts every 25 minutes? I haven't done that in a long time now. I stopped because it was getting tiring to do those workouts, I should really start again.

Today I spent most of the day in bed feeling defeated. This was such a dumb way to spend the day. There was a work task activity that I thought was difficult, I spent several hours the past few days trying to solve it but wasn't able to figure it out, so I had the problem in my mind the whole day, but I was just in bed for most of the day. I got back to work in the end and was able to figure it out, and solved it. Woohoo.

In the morning I did my brain training, and then yeah, I can't recall doing much the rest of the day. I watched some videos. I didn't play any games. I didn't watch any anime. I didn't clean either. I didn't go outside or do any chores. Yet the time still went by pretty quickly.

Yesterday was largely the same as today by the way, but I worked more. I stayed in bed more today because I couldn't figure out the issue from yesterday.

At night I had a call with Mary, we've been talking on the phone once a week since last week. She told me there was going to be the presidential debate on tonight, so I got on YouTube to watch it. We talked about a bunch of random things, she has a lot of plans for her future which is great and inspirational, I hope she pursues those ideas and works on them.

I called my parents as the presidential debate was starting and asked if they were watching it, and they were. I thought the debate was interesting. I can't vote in the primaries because I live in Puerto Rico, and I would say that my party affiliation is the Green Party. My prediction is that Donald Trump will win, because he put on a better performance in my opinion than Joe Biden. Joe Biden had a great political career, but I think he didn't put on a strong show, while Trump did.

This election honestly doesn't feel as intense as the past ones. Maybe it's because I'm not even able to vote? But for sure the 2008 and 2012 elections, those were the most dramatic times. 2016 was pretty dramatic too when Trump won against the potential first woman president, and 2020 when Trump lost and the insurrection happened. This election 2024, I am not so enthusiastic for either candidate, but I would prefer Trump to win, because I think the years have caught up to Biden, he is just not as strong as he once was.

I don't even know if America is doing great or not. I know there's been millions of new illegal immigrants coming in, I know of the high rising inflation. Other than that, things have felt largely the same, of course I haven't lived in the mainland U.S. for a few years, so I don't even know what's going on over there. Is the illegal immigration crisis really that bad? How is the jobs sector? How is the environment?

Eric also called me today and asked me if I wanted to go to the gym. I just said no, and he tried to convince me, and asked if I was injured or what. Honestly, it's stupid, but I felt defeated today and I just didn't feel like going. I told him I was going to take a break for a while and yeah. I need to do my home workouts again. I was getting pretty fit and healthy as I was doing them. There's no reason I should have stopped.

Anyway, what a day. Nothing much happened.

Written by JustMegawatt

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