July 6, 2024

Rest and Activism

9:16 AM (of Sunday, July 7th 2024)

Today is Saturday, July 6th 2024 and it was a good and relaxing day today. I woke up with the intention of wanting to do laundry and clean the home a bit, and to take a shower. I somehow got distracted and was on my computer watching videos until 4 PM when Eric called me and asked me to do some activism. That's when I got up and took a shower. I didn't have many clothing options to pick from, because I didn't do any laundry, so I had to wear business pants and a plain black shirt that didn't have a vegan message on it. I also shaved today.

After that, I joined Eric and Gus, we took a picture in front of the pool, he asked me to take the photo, and then we headed out to start streaming. Guy would join us later but he was working right now. I started recording and then we hit the streets doing vegan activism, talking to people and interviewing them, debating them.

This was our most viewed livestream by far, with 50 viewers on average at any given time, and since I was recording I saw it going up to 71 viewers. There was lots of debate and drama, and a few people went vegan on the spot. I did one debate or interview with someone, and it was funny. I started it by saying "what do you think about animal cruelty?" and she said "it's horrible, the worst thing ever" or something like that. I don't actually remember verbatim what we said, it's all on video though, so I'm not quoting these thing directly but just saying the general vibe from that conversation.

Then I asked "would you ever hurt an animal" and she would be like "never," then I'd say "you would never pay anyone to hurt an animal?" and they would say "no I would never do that" I asked "do you like birds and other animals?" and she said "birds, pigeons, amoebas, grass all deserve to live and be away from cruelty" her entire stance changes when I bring up meat, then all of a sudden, everything she said previously has been disregarded and now it's fine to torture and kill animals. It's funny and predictable how hypocritical people are. They are compassionate and kind, until you bring up meat, and then they will torture and kill animals and willingly give others money to do it for them.

The entire video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VqoDbiJ5aM with me appearing around the 1 hour and 21 minute mark to do the debate / conversation, since I was behind the camera the rest of the time. Eric, Gus, and Guy are all in the video. It might not look like it, but they are all fit and have six pack abs, at varying levels. I really don't even look obese myself, but I am overweight and have a big stomach, it's really hard to tell though because I still look fine regardless of being heavy, but I am very heavy and I have a lot of fat in my face and stomach.

Today was a great day. I didn't get that much done, I didn't exercise, I didn't work, I didn't study, but I did do some activism for a social cause, and doing so has improved my life. I've heard that advocating for a social cause improves one's life satisfaction, and it definitely does when I advocate for something. When I am silent, then I feel less happy.

Anyway, that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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