July 18, 2024

The Past Few Days

11:48 PM

It's been a while since I wrote a journal entry because I've been staying up all night recording and editing videos. It started on Monday I think, when I decided to make a daily vlog, I think that was on Monday. Actually, it might have been on Saturday. But anyway, my sleep schedule has been entirely messed up for the whole week. I've been feeling the worst, sleeping at 5 AM and waking up at 7 AM, and then living through the rest of the day being as productive as I can be.

The reason I started the video series was because I was tired of not exercising every day. So I started recording a vlog so that I could keep myself accountable throughout the day. So far it has worked. Every single day, I have been doing all of my daily exercises, which isn't much right now, I'm starting off extremely slow and low. The trade-off with this is that these videos can take hours to record, hours to edit, and hours to upload. So, I have been staying up late, often pass 3 AM, working on the videos. It's been annoying.

I have been feeling weaker physically, having lower energy, and feeling less rational due to barely getting any sleep. Today I did 2 pull ups and 2 chin ups for example, and they felt hard. Shouldn't they be easy now, considering I've been doing 2 of each every day for almost a week now? They should be, but I felt weak and it felt much harder.

Tonight I'm going to try and sleep earlier. I've also talked on the phone with Lia and Mary the past few days. Lia and I talked about her handing Vegpal over to me. My plan was to visit her first in Bali, and then we could talk about Vegpal there, but it would've been mainly to date and go out, which she agreed to too. Yesterday she told me to decide by Friday if I wanted Vegpal or not, and I just told her it was easier to decline because of all the paperwork and legality involved when acquiring another business with your business, since I would have added Vegpal as another product for Stealth Launch.

Mary and I talked about a bunch of random stuff. I sent her some of the videos I recorded and she definitely didn't watch them all or fully. The videos are around an hour long each, and it involves a lot of me just monologuing, so yeah she wasn't going to waste her time with that. I told her I'd be back in VA in August, and we could hang out for a bit then, so we made some plans of what to do, visit Washington D.C. again and some monuments, visit some vegan restaurants, and we could just make up other plans as we go.

I also messaged Wahl again today for the first time in over a month. She sent me a bunch of messages from last time which I haven't replied to yet. I just messaged her today telling her I wasn't ignoring her and I do plan to respond, and she got back to me quickly saying she's glad I'm still alive.

I did my math homework tonight. I tried to do it last night, but only got halfway through because of how long the problems were and how many problems there were. It took me like an hour or two to do today's math homework, which was literally just 2 problems. I'm just very slow at doing these problems I think. It's calculus and we had to use the chain rule and other rules to derive some equations. They were sort of long, but they weren't that bad. Again maybe I just suck at doing these problems.

Anyway is it "The Past Few Days" or "The Passed Few Days..." Past always sounds better, but Passed can sometimes be the correct form.

I'd write more, but I am pretty sleepy. I think I'll go to sleep soon. I'll probably browse the Internet, play some math games, until I get tired and go to sleep or something.

Written by JustMegawatt

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