July 21, 2024

Had a perfect day in terms of productivity

11:49 PM

I did everything on my to do list today, pretty much everything. Of course there's still some things here and there I could have done but overall I still did a lot and I didn't procrastinate.

Let's start with the cleaning: I washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, swept the floors, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned my backyard, did laundry. It feels really good being in a clean home, and it feels good when you're clean too. I took a shower today I think, pretty sure, though to be honest I'm not fully certain of that, I'm 90% sure though. I even stood up to feel my towel just now, but it wasn't damp nor was it dry, it would've been 9 hours or so since I took my shower, so maybe the towel has mostly dried up already.

For my brain training, I did it all too. I did my Impulse, Peak, and Elevate training. I also did the NYT Games, and I got a perfect score on the Connections game again today, third day in a row I think, that's a hat trick, three perfect games without a single mistake. Then I did my Quick X Math games too, and I got first place on the PEMDAS challenge by a lot, I think 8 seconds ahead of the second place person. I actually was fully concentrating today, and I deliberately told myself to try my best, and I got first. Usually I end up in 3rd or 4th place.

For my physical exercises, I walked for over an hour at the beach today doing vegan activism. I also did 2 pull ups, 2 chin ups, 10 push ups, 10 leg raises, and 10 squats. This is a pretty minimal daily exercise, but it's better than nothing.

I of course made some vegan tweets today too. I think I was only on X for like 10-20 minutes total today, and I made three tweets, and combined I think they got over 8k views so far, which is nice. I did some vegan activism with Eric and Gus at the beach, and that was cool. We didn't get that many people watching today, only around 1.2k views, last week we had over 12k views, so I think it might have to do with the day we streamed. Sundays have less viewers, is my theory.

I think today was great, productively speaking. I didn't get any chance to watch any shows or do any dumb stuff today. It was basically all work from beginning to end. I even made a video today and uploaded it, and I also wrote a journal entry.

It really is possible to get a lot done in a day, as long as one puts their mind to it.

Written by JustMegawatt

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