July 24, 2024

the ice is nice

Vacation time! We’re heading to Iceland! Woo!

“What are you going to do in Iceland?” asked HGR. Genuinely I do not know. Dad arranged the whole thing through a tour group and I’m just along for the ride. Should be fun though. Brother went a few years back and his trip pics were amazing.

Mom and Dad picked me up after work and we drove up to the airport. (Just kid things: Dad texted 10 minutes before their arrival that they'd be coming up to use the restroom. I leapt into action, taking out the trash, including the Wingstop takeout box on the kitchen counter, cleaning the toilet, and putting away the electric toothbrush box that has been sitting on the living room floor since their last visit.) It was a hurry-up-and-wait kind of thing. We got through security nearly two hours before boarding and had a leisurely dinner at Wow Bao.

I live in a kind of uncanny valley between Lukas and the rest of the world because I enjoy people without enjoying interaction. I like people-watching. flight does these super cool sketches of people on the train, at the park, etc. and I decided to do likewise at the airport. It's way harder than it looks. People move so much. Gotta admire the economy of line and the visual memory that goes into a good observational sketch. I get too bogged down in details and lose the shape that drew my interest in the first place.

It's an overnight flight; we land at 9 am. My window seat has no window. It's ultra rude.

Written by Achaius

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