July 27, 2024

Everything was great until

11:35 PM

I think this past week has been great, until Thursday. I worked out and did some pause squats on Wednesday night, 3 sets of 10 of pause squats at 135 pounds. So 135 pounds isn't super heavy, but I also go all the way down to the ground, the lowest I can possibly go without touching the ground, pausing at the bottom for a few seconds, before standing back up. I did other workouts that night too. Anyway, the next day my thighs became very tight and sore. I don't think it was something I noticed until midday.

This is pretty much the first time I've gotten sore in a long time. I pretty much never feel sore, ever, even after going to the gym a lot, I go almost 3 times a week. This time though, my thighs were sore and tight. It's a weird feeling, you feel like you can't use your strength as much, nor do you feel like you can move as fast, but it's not really painful or anything.

The changes from the gym are really subtle, but they are really starting to show now. I look pretty muscular when I take my shirt off. I don't have six pack abs, but I don't look obese. I know I still have a fat gut, and that I still have a lot of weight to lose, but I'm sort of toned looking now too. My arms are big, they have a lot of volume when I flex, and they are solid. This is all from a plant based diet too by the way, I haven't eaten meat in 11 years. I am pretty satisfied with my appearance now, the only thing I want now is six pack abs. When I get that, then my fitness goals would have been completed and I'd be so satisfied.

I know how to get them too, it's not that hard, and there are guides everywhere. You have to do leg raise workouts every day, and you have to have a low body fat percent. That's all. It's like losing weight is also simple, you just move more and eat less, and that's really all there is to it. Getting good grades is really simple too, just study to make sure you learn everything the class is teaching, do the homework, ace the exams, and that's it. Many of the how to's in life, are actually really simple but it's so hard in practice.

Losing weight is a very simple concept. Just eat less calories than you burn. Calculate your TDEE, total daily energy expenditure, and make sure you don't eat calories above that amount, and that's it. That's really it. Adding exercise and moving more just makes your TDEE higher, so you can lose weight slightly more easily, but it's mainly about the eating.

Even though I have already known about this for years, it's so hard to implement. It's why people have a hard time losing weight, because there's so many challenges that you encounter to accomplishing something so simple. There's also this weight loss effect, where if you lose a significant amount of weight, your body's hunger cravings increase tremendously, wanting you to eat more to regain that weight back, and it's entirely subconscious, this is why so many people who lose weight regain it all back, it's even happened to me a lot. I would lose weight, feel really good looking in the mirror and going out in public, and wearing cool clothes and feeling like I look nice, but then I'd gain the weight back without even noticing, because I ate more subconsciously.

Consistency is so important and it's something I haven't even come close to even becoming a beginner in. It's because becoming consistent in some areas is difficult. It's easy to be consistent in some areas, like it's easy to be consistent in playing video games, they're designed to be addicting and easy to be consistent in. It's easy to be consistent in eating junk food because they're designed to be addicting. It's harder to be consistent in being disciplined, in studying, in exercising, in cleaning, because these activities take work, and they can be extremely boring too.

Anyway, today was a pretty boring day. I mainly just posted on X a bunch, and went out to do activism, or tried to, but I was stuck in traffic for 2 hours. The worst traffic jam I've been in on this island so far. I was basically stuck in the same place for hours. I just went home around 80% of the way through. It would have taken another hour to get through the last 20% to get to Eric's place to do activism.

At night I did my weekly fitness and body check. I did 7 pull ups I think, and 5 chin ups. I did 33 push ups, 33 leg raises, and 33 squats. This is a little improved from last week. Again, I sabotaged myself because I ate too much on Thursday and Friday, and didn't do any physical exercises those days.

That was basically my day today. I'm tired. Time to go to sleep.

Written by JustMegawatt

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