Aug. 17, 2024

Did Activities in Chicago

11:59 PM

Today was a decent day. Very similar to yesterday, but my parents and I didn't do as much walking because we ended up taking the trains and buses a few times today. We woke up at around 6 AM and my mom took a shower, and then we had breakfast. I ate the same things as yesterday, I basically just ate the 3 different colored potatoes again, they were great. After that, we went back to our hotel room and planned out our day, while my parents and I took turns using the bathroom and showering.

The plan was to visit Wrigley field, and then the Chicago Zoo, which is free. I wouldn't have gone to the zoo if we had to pay, because I'm against keeping wild animals in captivity. Anyone making the argument that zoos are helpful and ethical places, better also not be someone that eats meat, otherwise their opinion about "ethical" is misguided. Afterwards the plan was to go to this limited time Impossible restaurant at the X-Market it Chicago. Then after that, visit the bean again, and then go home.

So the original plan was to just use an Uber to get there, because even though we knew that there was a public metro and bus system, we didn't know how to use it. So I researched it a bit and figured out how to use it, there were these 1-day, 24 hour passes that you could buy for $5, and that gives you unlimited use of Chicago's buses and metro for 24 hours. With that, along with Google Maps, you can then travel anywhere in the city much more cheaply than using an Uber. We actually did buy an Uber yesterday because it was raining, and it was like $20 for a 5 minute ride.

So anyway, we walked to the closest metro so that we could buy some tickets, and I bought them for all three of us. Then we rode the train over to Wrigley Field. There were a bunch of people in blue in the train and also outside and near the Wrigley Field, because it was the Toronto Blue Jays against the Chicago Cubs, and both of their colors are the same. They both have the same identical hue of blue color, at least that's what it looked like to the naked eye. The same blue color. My dad and I had a small argument about whether there were more Cubs or Blue Jays fans, because on the train it was majority Blue Jays according to him, and I argued that it wasn't.

The Cubs won 3-2 today by the way. Not that I care though, I don't even watch any real baseball. I've watched the anime One Outs and that's one of my favorite ones. It's about gambling and baseball, and they gamble with very high stakes. I've also read the manga, and I would say that the anime ends at the perfect point in the story. The anime ends at about the midway point. The rest of the story just wasn't as good as the part the anime got up to.

My favorite Baseball player, only because I know more about him than other baseball player, is probably Bo Jackson. I just don't know any other real life baseball players to admire. Joe DiMaggio has one of the coolest nicknames, Joltin' Joe, and was featured in the song Mrs. Robinson by Simon and Garfunkel, who also wrote The Sound of Silence and Bridge Over Troubled Water. I don't know much else about Joltin' Joe other than his cool nickname, and he also dated Marilyn Monroe for a while. I don't know any of his stats or how good he was.

Another player with a cool nickname is Shoeless Joe Jackson. He hated that nickname, and he got it because one time, just one time, he played without shoes on the field. I think it's a cool nickname though. Shoeless Joe Jackson. Honestly I think Joe is a cool fucking name. Joe. That's the coolest fucking name. It goes with anything. Joe Gates. Joe Jobs. JOE JOBS. What a fucking badass name. Joe Zuckerberg. Joe Musk. Joe Brown. Joe Green. Joe Gawat.

I think the standard, basic English names are great. Joe. Steve. Bill. Bob. Bob Jobs. Bob Gates. Boltin' Bob. Shoeless Bob Backson. Jack. Jack Jackson. Jimmy. Yeah. The classic names are great.

We just took a photo in front of the Wrigley stadium, and then started looking up how to get to the next place. It said to take Bus 22, and so we waited, and I asked the driver if this was the correct bus to, I don't remember what the stop was, Clark and Denton or something, but I asked her if this bus went there, and she said no, that's the other bus across the street, so we didn't get on this one. We walked over to the other stop which was for bus 152, and then pondered over it a bit. Google Maps told us to get on Bus 22, but a Bus 22 driver told us to get on 152. We decided to listen to Google and went back to the other stop, and got on the 22 bus.

Google turned out to be right. So I'm not sure why she told us to get on the other bus, she probably just didn't understand what I said.

So we arrive at this other park, and just walked around and took pictures. Then we went to the zoo, and there was a Daiya vendor there. I thought we had to pay for something, but nope, they were giving out free samples. They gave us a bit of Daiya cheese sandwich, and a tortilla, and It was great, the food tasted amazing. Yup, no reason to use any animal products when they involve cruelty, when there are plant based alternatives like Daiya and others.

We walked around the zoo and saw the captive animals. We saw, in this order, seals, monkeys, rhinos, lions, polar bears, vultures, swans, and ostriches. Maybe we saw some other ones I don't recall, but we didn't see much, we walked through the exhibitions pretty quickly. I'd tease my mom and told her not to kill and eat any of them, and that if she cared about any animal lives she wouldn't be killing them. It is weird people can care so much about a random bird, but feel nothing as they buy and pay for many birds to be killed for them (chicken are birds).

After this we went to the grand opening of this Impossible restaurant concept at the X-Market in Chicago, which is a vegan bodega. It's this food court where every restaurant is vegan, and there's also a vegan grocery store there. We arrived at around 2 PM, so it wasn't peak lunch time, but there were still a lot of people there. The whole place was pretty full, not packed, but there was a lot of people. I mean it's a large food court, and I'd say it was at 30% of capacity, a decent amount of people were there. We ordered some food from the Impossible vendor, and also grabbed some freebies at the desk. Very cool.

There was a few singers singing live, and very loud music was playing. My parents opted to sit next to the speakers, but I was like, no, and so we moved a bit further away. A lot further away. Obviously it would be cooler to sit closer to the performance, but I didn't want to damage my hearing, and the music was very loud.

I remember the fitness classes at the Crunch in San Juan, PR is the same, the music is just extremely loud. I attended a fitness class where I was the only attendee, me, the host, and her husband were the only ones in the ballet room at the gym, and the music was deafeningly loud. The only reason I never went again was because the music was too loud.

Anyway, the food was great. I loved that every restaurant there was vegan and the grocery store itself is fully vegan too. If I lived in Chicago, I'd go basically every day. My mom and I took some photos in front of the Impossible vendor, and then there was suddenly a hat freebie, which I grabbed. Aweosme. I gave it to my dad to wear. He wore it the whole day.

After this we went back to The Bean, took some new pictures, and then came back to the hotel. Then we just rested. That was basically it. I just rested. I played some music while playing some Impulse games, and then I went to the gym to exercise for 20 minutes. I came back, took a shower, and that's basically been it.

I'm sleepy now. We are going to wake up at 3 AM to fly back home. That's in 2 hours for me. So I need to go to sleep now.

Written by JustMegawatt

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