Aug. 21, 2024

Productive Day, Got a Decent Amount Done

11:43 PM

Today has been an alright day. In terms of productivity, it's been one of my more productive days in a while. I always say that whenever I do a decent amount in a day. I'm actually surprised so much took place today.

I woke up at around 11 AM, and then I read through my emails while using the bathroom. There were two personal emails that got me thinking and added new tasks for me. I had a basic idea of what I would do today. I am being intentionally vague about them, because they are personal emails. I know that if / when I read this entry 5 years from now, even I won't know what those emails were about, because I am being vague. Maybe I shouldn't be vague about them? Then again, I just started typing out what the were about, and it was uncomfortable, so I guess I will be vague then. Maybe in the future I will be more open about everything.

Although it wasn't extremely high priority for me, I worked on my work / client related tasks today, and got everything completed. There were about 8 items to work on, just bug fixes and changes, and I was surprisingly able to complete them all today. Of course I basically have a never-ending amount of work, but I'm saying, in terms of priority, there were 8 quick and vital items I needed to work on, and I got them all done. I still have an endless amount of work for tomorrow, and the next day, and so on, for a long time.

After finishing those times, I worked on one of my new tasks based on one of the personal emails. I got that done too, and I replied back. These things are sort of stressful.

Then my dad wanted to vacuum, and I didn't want to stay indoors to hear all of the loud vacuuming noises, so I went outside and walked around the compound for a few minutes. I then went inside the gym and finished the workouts that I wasn't able to complete yesterday, due to almost passing out.

I walked back home and ate heartily, maybe too much food, but I think today I ate only around 2000 or so calories. This is significantly less than the previous 2-3 days where I'd eat 3000-4000 calories each day.

At home, I had my tasks of renewing the Habitica challenges, and so I did that. I did it in record time today, finishing in around 10 minutes. Normally it takes me 30 minutes to do this task, so I'm quite surprised it didn't take me long at all this time around.

I wasn't planning on paying my bills again today, but I was pretty bored at night, and so I did that. I paid all of my bills today, almost all of them. I probably have around $2000 a month worth of bills, but I paid off around $200 today, for my home bills basically.

I'm thinking of cancelling my home Internet bill, because it's very expensive at around $100 a month. It's bundled with cable TV and a home phone number, but I don't use either of those. If I cancelled those, it would only reduce my bill by like $8, so that's why I just keep them included, but that would save me $96 a year if I cancelled those things, so I think it would be a good idea. What I'm thinking of is replacing it with a "portable Internet" subscription instead. I've never used it, but I've seen them around, for like $20 a month or something.

Anyway, that's something I need to do. I'm pretty tired and sleepy now, so I guess that's it for today. Overall it was a productive day. I also did my brain training of course, and I did some vegan activism. I also messaged some girls today. That's why I'm saying I'm surprised all of this took place in one day, because a lot happened today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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