Aug. 27, 2024

Made 100 AI Songs Today

11:21 PM

Today was an interesting day. A few days ago I purchased this lifetime subscription plan to this AI music app where you can make 100 songs on the app per month, for $40. The lifetime plans differ, there is the $40 for 100 songs per month, $100 for 1000 songs per month, and $150 for unlimited songs per month. I thought the 100 songs was sufficient, that it would take me a long time to produce 100 songs with AI, well I was wrong.

In just one day, a few hours of a day, I used my maximum monthly limit and made 100 songs with AI today. I have to wait until next month to make my next 100 songs. Basically you either write some lyrics or have some lyrics generated for you, and then you type a small prompt of I think 15 words or less, describing the genre and type of music. It really doesn't give you much room to write down the type of music that you want, the average description I'd put in would be something like "fierce dark rap song" for example. How your song comes out mainly depends on its lyrics.

Since I didn't have any lyrics immediately available, I used passages from Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven to make my first few songs. The reason how I was able to use up 100 song creations today, was because you have to keep creating new songs if you want it to sound different or if you don't like any of the current versions it produced. It produces 2 songs for you each time you ask it to make a song, and one song can sound wildly different than the next. You can put in "fierce dark rap song" as the music type and produce 10 different songs, and each song will sound wildly different from the other.

So anyway, I worked and made music. Those are the main things that I did today. I didn't do much web browsing or watching videos today, because I didn't have time to. I also didn't go to the gym nor exercised, even though I wanted to.

I uploaded one song called The Raven to a music distributor, so it can upload it to all the different music streaming apps. I paid another $40 to have that song uploaded. I also made an album today consisting of 8 songs, but I will release that later. I want to see how well this one song does first. I think it's a really good song, that's why I uploaded it.

I didn't do much else today. Making these songs was really tiring, even though I didn't really much work.

It's kind of outrageous how it takes 10+ years to become good at singing and playing an instrument, only for people with almost no musical ability able to skip all that and be able to make amazing sounding music with AI for just $40. I can see musical artists really struggling in the future. I used to hire a lyricist, a music producer, a vocalist, and an artist to work on song releases, and my songs on average cost $500 - $1000 to create, per song. Now I was able to make 100 songs with just $40. That's crazy. It's the same for art, I would also hire an artist to make the cover art, now AI can just do it instantly for much cheaper.

Are drawing artists having a difficult time getting commissions now? Are musicians having a difficult time getting commissions now too? I knew someone who spent 40+ years of their life on music, they knew multiple instruments, how to produce songs, and mastered the field really well. They would sometimes ask if anyone needed any songs produced for them since they could offer that service. Now, AI can do that. That's pretty wild.

I have paid an artist $200 to make art for me before. It's hand drawn art, perfectly colored, from a master artist, I mean that's why it cost $200. Now AI can make something like that for much cheaper, and have a hundred iterations instead of just one. I don't think the AI can make as good an art as the $200 artwork yet though, it still can't really compete in some areas. In other areas, it can dominate. I can have AI draw 200 detailed people in one painting instantly, whereas hiring someone to do that, might cost $1000 or much more, because that takes a while and is tedious. That's an area where AI dominates. However, if just drawing two people, or one person, then AI severely lacks compared to an actual artist.

Other than working, I also did my brain training today. I worked on it at night time just 30 minutes ago because I was busy with the music the rest of the day. I also was just on social media for only a few minutes today, just enough time to make a couple of vegan related tweets, and that was it.

I'm very sleepy right now as I write this, so I'm going to sleep now.

Written by JustMegawatt

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