Sept. 13, 2024

the tales of rooihirado, cont.

[1:29 PM] numbers: things are rough for the rooihirado family

[1:29 PM] Achaius: sure are

43.  Burned to death in The Ancient Godcrypts Arcane (floor 8) (what a chuu2 level name). Floor 7 was a trip. The entrance was on a small island, and the Vampire Lord was spawn camping. He stole both my weapons; I backed away and fell off the island into deep water. I had to swim the long way around to land and almost drowned and/or got eaten by a bog worm. The level was full of walkers, flammable gas vents, and flame turrets, and the Vampire Lord was chasing me the entire time. (I had no ranged options besides a few daggers.) I made a madcap dash through the level using a fire immunity potion, but couldn’t find the stairs down before the potion wore off. Finally I found a chasm and hopped down with a rope, but did not notice that I was on fire, and burned to death about a second after I touched down.

  • According to a journal note, the dragon was on floor 10, so I was close-ish.
  • (Not actually that close.)
  • Before my sword GOT STOLEN, I defeated more than 64 enemies with it (I have a screenshot from floor 4). I did NOT unlock warrior. This achievement really is bugged.

44.  Killed by a wyrm on floor 10. Weirdly, my attacks were doing no damage (I was using a sword of parrying +1, not the flame sword). Maybe they’re immune to physical? That run was living on its last legs for a few floors. More importantly, though, I unlocked warrior. Turns out the unlock text is just entirely wrong, and instead you need to identify an enchanted sword by hitting 20 enemies with it. (I’ve never done that before? Wow.)

45.  [Class: Warrior] Killed by star spawns on floor 9 (with four rations…embarrassing). I didn’t find a single scroll of detect magic all run. Bosses defeated: The White Wizard (floor 6). I spammed magic on him. literally beat him in a magic duel lolol

46.  [Class: Warrior] Killed by a creep on floor 11. (note to self: yellow blood = corrosive) Bosses defeated: The Spider Queen. I popped a bunch of potions before the fight and one of them was a poison immunity potion, but it wore off before I finished getting through all the adds, oh well.

47.  [Class: Warrior] Killed by a cultist on floor 6. Unfortunate placement—he was camping a teleport exit. Used pretty much all my healing resources defeating The Fury on floor 3 (fighting her was strictly necessary; she dropped the key to the door blocking the stairs down). Yet another run where I never found a scroll of detect magic.

48.  [Class: Warrior] Burned to death on floor 10. On floor 9 I was fighting the Balrog, and it was going exceedingly poorly, so I used a scroll of descend. On floor 10 I found myself with 6 HP, no healing, in a cavern filled with flammable gas and a nearby flame elemental. Byeee! I used my last remaining scroll of descend and found myself…elsewhere on floor 10. Guess that was the bottom. Wonder if the dragon was there, or if it was the wrong branch. I never got to find out.

  • I finally unlocked a triforce gate and it was NOT the way to go. On the hub floor (5), there was a triforce gate and a glowing blue door. I had to go down a side branch to assemble the triforce, came back up to the hub floor, went down the triforce stairs, and discovered that branch dead-ended at floor 7. There was a boss on that floor (the Ogre Mage) who could have theoretically dropped the glowing blue key (does it work like that?), but I found myself on the bad end of a giant winged gargoyle who took 0 damage from my sword and opted just to descend out of there.

49. [Class: Warrior] Killed by a hulking rat + fire elemental on the Ogre Vaults of the Ancients (floor 9).

50. [Class: Warrior] Killed by The Great White Wyrm on floor 10. Actually that’s not true, I was killed by like five jitterlings and a turret, but the Great White Wyrm was in the next room over. I was also being chased by a wyrm and a lich. It was a very exciting five seconds.

  • Kill assist goes to the ratman convention on floor 7. I got a screenshot of 13 of them milling around in a room, with 2 dead, and roughly 10 killed in previous rooms. At one point I was trapped in a dead-end cave with the entire pack at the cave entrance. “No problem,” I said, and used a scroll of teleportation. It brought me slightly deeper into the same cave, and my sudden re-appearance alerted all the ratmen to my presence. Thanks for nothing, scroll!! So yeah after that I had no healing left.
  • Highlight of the run was clearing The Twisted Labyrinth (floor 5), a special level with the Minotaur at the center (very classic) and a ton of loot.

“Have you ascended yet?” said HGR.


“Have you even gotten the amulet again?”


Written by Achaius

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