Sept. 23, 2024

An Almost Ideal Day

9:33 PM

I'm writing this early because I finished everything there is to do today early. I don't have anything else left, except maybe work on some of my non-daily tasks, though those are tiring to work on, and I am tired. Today has been an almost ideal day with the exception of me eating too much. I set my calorie limit to around 2200, but I exceeded that and went to around 2900 today. That is a problem.

I woke up at around 8 AM. I wanted to walk outside in the morning, but at the same time I didn't want to run into any students going to school. My parents live near a high school. If I were to walk outside during the morning or afternoon hours when students would go to and from school, they'd flood the sidewalks and I didn't want to run into any students. It's some irrational fear.

So I just did some brain training in the morning. I wasn't planning on doing it first thing, but that's what I did. It took me about an hour, but I got most of it done that morning. I do around 200 or more math problems, a bunch of word problems, puzzles, and more. My Peak Brain Score dropped down to 841 today, it was at 844 a day or two ago. Apparently I didn't perform well today. I'm still in the 99th percentile, I've been there since around 793 Peak Brain Score or something, but I think I might be approaching my limits intellectually. I've been hovering around the 840 to 844 range for about a week now.

At around 9 AM, I started working and that's all I did throughout the whole day basically, until around 5 PM. I had a meeting at around 11 AM, and then I had a bunch of stuff I had to work on and complete, so that's what I worked on today.

I run my own software business and work on different projects with clients. I take care of both my parents because they can't support themselves, it is frustrating and a burden to me, but there's nothing I can do about it, they can't support themselves. I've been paying part of their rent since 2013, and then paying their mortgage since around 2018, and soon I'm going to literally have to be paying for all of their home's utility bills because my mom is retiring. My dad makes minimum wage and works only part time, my mom makes barely more than that. Things can be tough sometimes, but I get by.

I try not to think about and compare myself to friends that don't have this kind of burden. None of them have this kind of burden. None of them have to give their parents money or pay their parent's mortgage or anything. Just me. I hate that I'm mentioning it and I'm feeling upset I'm writing about it. I don't even live with my parents, I have my own place 1500 miles away, that I also have to take care of and pay bills for, but at the same time I also have my parents to take care of.

Pretty much most of my friends live with their parents and don't even have to pay any rent or pay their parent's mortgage and never had to do that. I've basically always had to do that. Others live on really low rent and still make a decent amount. I can get very jealous. I should stop thinking and writing about this, it only hurts me.

Anyway, I just worked today, until around 5 AM. It was such a boring day up to this point, and I was feeling pretty tired. Yet I forced myself to go outside and walk, I planned on walking around 3 miles or so, through this nearby forest. As I was heading there, a bunch of student joggers passed by me, like a hundred of them. There was honestly a lot. It must have been some running club they were a part of. Anyway, I finished my walk and then went back home.

At home I rested for a bit, and then headed out to the gym to do some strength workouts. The heaviest weight there are two 25 pound dumbbells, so that's the heaviest weight I can use. It's a pretty low weight, so I have to increase my reps to get the same volume of workouts. I didn't do any squats today, but for example for squats, I'd hold the two 25 pound dumbbells, and do like 22 reps per set, because the weight is so low. It's still really hard to do this though, because that many squats is tiring. I just did a bunch of arm workouts today.

I like walking outside in the forest and exercising in the gym. It feels really good to be active. I let myself go recently and gained like 15 pounds when I wasn't even paying attention. It was last week that I noticed, and so I've been consciously exercising and watching how much I eat, and I've already lost around 3-4 pounds since then. Yesterday I was down 5 pounds, but when I weighed myself this morning it looks like I gained a pound or two of it back.

My last daily that I work on is some vegan activism. I just try to make a post on X or reply to posts on X or retweet some posts that are vegan related. I have been vegan since 2013, haven't eaten meat in 11 years, and I encourage others to stop torturing and killing animals. People are upset about even kicking a cat, but torturing and killing other animals is fine for them, and they even give their money to buy corpses of animals that have suffered. People can choose to not hurt and kill nor eat any animals. It is the most rational thing to do if someone believes they are kind and compassionate.

Most people in society today are pretty cruel with their actions. They preach kindness while hurting and killing the innocent. I'm glad I'm aware of the harm my actions caused and noticed my own hypocrisy from when I used to eat meat, and that I stopped.

Today has been a pretty good day. Tomorrow I'm going to try to do pretty much the same thing. I think I have a pretty good daily routine that I follow.

Written by JustMegawatt

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