Sept. 26, 2024

Messed up and recovered

11:59 PM

Yesterday (Wednesday) was a pretty bad day in terms of productivity. I didn't go out and walk in the morning like I had planned. I didn't do any strength training either. I stayed at home for the entire day and I did work, and I did do my brain training and vegan activism, but nothing much else.

The good thing is that I know what mistakes I made for that day, and I will never repeat them again. At least, I'll try not to.

7:45 AM (of Friday, September 27th 2024)

I fell asleep shortly after typing that last paragraph, so I'm here the next morning to continue.

So anyway, today is Thursday, September 26th 2024. Yesterday was Wednesday, September 25th 2024. Yesterday (Wesnesday) was a pretty bad day because I just didn't do much. I felt demotivated throughout the day mainly because I felt too good so I didn't do much else. Even feeling too good can be demotivating and discouraging. Or it could be that I had a bunch of things due near the end of the day, and I felt too pressured. Maybe it was a combination of both?

I also ate a lot throughout the day. I ate so much that I had no doubts the next day (Today, Thursday) I would gain weight. From my calorie tracker, I ate around 2600 calories, which is over my 2000 or so calories limit I set per day. I don't actually know exactly what I set my limit to, maybe it's 2000 calories, maybe it's 2200, I don't remember. Actually I checked just now, it's 1648 apparently. I ate 1000 calories above that and didn't exercise. Yet the next day, today (Thursday), I gained no weight at all. I didn't really lose weight either, weighing in at 183.4 pounds or so. I've been around this weight the whole week.

The thing is with the calorie tracker, I probably add 10%-20% extra. I try to be as accurate as I can, but for something like rice for example, I won't go out and measure an exact cup, so I just eye it and make a guesstimate. I'm probably over counting in that regard, but I do accurately count the rest. Like 1 Beyond Burger for example, or 6 meatless meatballs from Aldi's, I do an exact count for those. For something like 1 cup of mixed vegetables or 1 cup of mixed fruits, and so on, I just guesstimate and add a bit of a buffer. So my calorie counting isn't accurate in that regard.

Today I felt good too, but not as good, so I ended up doing more. I completed a bunch of work items, everything remaining for this one client / project. Apparently there's still one item open though, so I'll resolve that the next day.

I think today was when I upgraded to iOS 18, or maybe that was yesterday. Either way, I think it was today that I cleaned up some of my phone's interface and added some cool health widgets to one of the pages, and moved all of my brain training apps to one page, and so on. I cleaned it up a little, although there's still a lot of room left for improvement.

I ended up walking in the morning which was great. I worked throughout the entire day and got a decent amount done too. At around 6 PM I was going to go to the gym and exercise, but Mandy texted me. She asked me if I was doing anything, and invited me to a game of Scrabble. I said I was free, and we texted each other for around an hour or so before we actually started playing. We called each other and played Scrabble together. I ended up winning by over 120 points, I dominated. We chat the whole time while playing and talked about a lot of different things.

We ended up finishing at around 9:30 PM. It was already pretty late then, but I still wanted to go to the gym to exercise, so I still went. I just don't want to lose any strength or fitness. After around a week of not exercising and just being sedentary the whole time, you do lose some fitness in strength and endurance. After two weeks it's even more apparent. It's been 3 days for me since I last went to the gym, so I had to go again.

The gym I go to is this really tiny, pretty much the same size as any of my bedrooms in Puerto Rico, space. It is smaller than my bedroom at my parent's home though, which I'm in right now, which I pay the mortgage for even though I don't even live here. Yeah this room is much larger than any of my rooms in PR, though it's hard to tell. It's just that a king size bed pretty much fills up the entirety of my bedroom in PR, fills up 70-80% of it, enough that there's almost no walking space left, while a queen sized bed in this room barely fills up 30% of it. Yeah my bedroom in the States is so much larger, but it's so hard to tell. In terms of square space, it's probably 70% more, in terms of volume, more than double, since the ceiling here is higher.

But it's so hard to discern room sizes. I can fit in both and feel like I have ample space in both. Yeah the king sized bed fills up nearly the entirety of my bedroom in PR, but at the same time I don't feel like the room is any smaller. It is weird. To me, they're both just rooms.

A king sized bed would fill up the entirety of the gym here too though, it is that small. It's basically the same size as my room in PR.

So anyway, the gym is pretty small, so there's barely any workout equipment. The heaviest weights are 25 pound dumbbells. There's an exercise bike, an elliptical, and a treadmill. There's also a workout bench, and this heavy adjustable workout machine. Technically you can do all the exercises with this machine, and it has adjustable weights to like 120 pounds on both sides, but it is harder to configure and it feels different. I actually need to get the name of this machine. It is extremely versatile. Technically I can do bench presses on this thing, and do all sorts of other exercises. It feels pretty complete.

The only exercises I use the machine for are basically pull ups and chin ups. It has this bar at the top, and I do those exercises there. The grip on this machine is much wider than the one I have in PR, so I am actually able to do less pull ups and chin ups on this machine than the one I have at home. It is weird. I didn't expect the grip to affect my ability to do pull ups and chin ups at all, but it does. I went from around 7 or so in a row of both on each, to 2 of each on this machine. Yeah, it dropped significantly. Now I'm back to being able to do 7 chin ups in a row on this machine, and I think 5 pull ups in a row on this machine. It took a while to build up to there though.

After working out, I fell asleep really early at night. Anyway, that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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