Oct. 10, 2024

Slightly increased daily workout difficulty

11:40 PM

Today was pretty much another perfect day. It's pretty hard to write an entry when today was pretty much the same exact thing as yesterday. The main differences being that I didn't have a dentist appointment today, and I increased the difficulty of my workout dailies today. Instead of just 30 push ups, 30 leg raises, 30 squats per day, I increased this to 40 per day. Instead of just 6 pull ups and chin ups per day, I increased this to 8 per day. I kept my walking to 30 minutes per day.

I woke up at around 8:30 AM, and I woke up well rested even though I only had 5-6 hours of sleep. The workouts were the first thing that I worked on this morning. I could have distributed the workouts to being throughout the day, like doing 10 push ups in the morning, another 10 an hour later, and so on, but I just did them all at once basically.

I think I'll have to start spreading them out throughout the day once I get to the 3 digit amounts per day. I might just even increase it to 3 digits, 100 reps, tomorrow because of how easy 40 reps was today. Yeah. We'll try that. I started this at a really low difficulty because I was sick for a few days, but now that I'm all better, I think I can do 100 push ups per day, 100 squats per day, 100 leg raises per day, 20 chin ups per day, 20 pull ups per day. I actually don't know how I'll be able to achieve 20 pull ups and 20 chin ups per day because my arms do get sore after I do like 5 of each in a row. But we'll try.

I have to spread the workouts throughout the day, so I will probably have to do 20 push ups, 20 leg raises, 20 squats, per hour. Then I have to do 4 chin ups, 4 pull ups per hour. Just 4 of each per hour is very doable. I can do that. I will have to do this for 5 hours, then I would have met the daily quota. I am planning to increasing this 5 times this amount at some point but it will be very hard.

Anyway I am planning on doing these workouts as a break thing basically. While I work, I can take a break every 30 minutes or so, and then just do these workouts.

I of course also did my brain training today and vegan activism today. My peak brain score is at 850 right now. It was hovering around around 844 for a long time. I think I'm very close to reaching my peak because it's now very hard for me to make this score budge.

I am very sleepy and tired, but I do feel good about everything.

Written by JustMegawatt

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