Oct. 11, 2024

Increased Workout Difficulty and Got Everything Done

5:59 PM

I'm writing this pretty early because I'm going to sleep soon. I'm very tired. I increased my workout difficulty to 100 push ups, 100 squats, 100 leg raises, 20 chin ups, 20 pull ups, 30 minutes of walking, and I also added 5 minutes of planking, per day. I was able to do all of this today, spread throughout the working day.

Doing 100 push ups in a day seems like a lot, but when you spread it to only 10 every 30 minutes, then it doesn't seem like a lot at all. Doing 10 push ups is extremely easy. It isn't even a lot to do 500 push ups in a day, I was able to do 500 in a day, for two days, a few years ago when I could barely do any push ups at all. I might actually increase push ups to 500 per day starting tomorrow, while keeping the rest the same. Maybe leg raises should be raised to 500 as well, because of how easy they are to do. I think I'm going to raise my push ups to 250 per day, and leg raises to 500 per day, starting tomorrow.

I looked up the world records for push ups and it depends on the duration. The world record for the most push ups in 1 hour is 3378. That's basically 1 push up per second for one entire hour. 10 years ago the record was only around 2000, but people have been gunning for it and it's showing. I think 3378 is approaching the human limits for what we are able to do in an hour.

The world record for the most push ups in a minute is 84, and there's 60 minutes in an hour. So let's extrapolate the most push ups in a minute to 60 minutes, and that's 5040 push ups in an hour as the potential maximum number of push ups we can do in an hour. 3378 seems far from that, so there might still be a ways to go.

I doubt I will be able to aim for any world record in anything. For this 3378 push ups in an hour world record, it says the guy trained 5 days a week for it for 7 years. He saw someone set the record back in 2015, and tried to see how many push ups he could do in an hour, he did over 1200 in an hour on his first attempt, which motivated him to continue training to beat the record. He doesn't list his workout routine, but it was probably intense. He was probably already fit prior to starting his training for it too, due to being able to do 1200 in an hour.

I forgot to post about it yesterday, but yesterday was when I became first place in the game Quick X Maths. It took a few months. I'm first place out of every single player, having solved over 37000 math problems. They are really easy math problems though, like 17+12 or the more difficult ones can be like 17x18 (306), nothing higher than the number 20 are used, and I want them to be to make the game harder. I still don't even have the 13s through 19s multiplications memorized, a lot of them I just solve on the spot, others I do have memorized like 16x16 (256).

The pull ups and chin ups were hard, but doing 20 of each in a day wasn't that bad. The hardest part was going out into the cold, because I'm at my parent's place and the pull up bar is outside. So I have to go outside and it's a bit cold compared to the indoors, to be able to do the chin ups and pull ups.

I ate 2014 calories today. Yesterday, I ate 2700 calories and I weighed 178.6 pounds in the morning. Today, when I weighed myself, I was so shocked at my weight, because I was back to 181.9 pounds. I was under 180 pounds for the past 5 days, and then all of a sudden, 2 pounds above 180. I was so shocked that I ate less throughout the day intentionally.

Anyway, I'm very sleepy now. I managed to get all of my dailies done again today. I remade the Habitica challenges first thing in the morning, and then I worked throughout the day. I did my brain training and vegan activism too. This is the most that I can do today, I think. It's so hard for me to concentrate or work on anything serious now, after a full day of work, after all the exercising, brain training, vegan activism. Working and doing something productive right now just doesn't feel enticing to me right now, so it's really hard for me to.

Anyway, that was my day today. I'm going to try to sleep early tonight. We'll see what happens.

Written by JustMegawatt

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