Oct. 16, 2024

Stress Resolved

10:56 PM

Dang I'm tired. Last night I had almost 7 hours of sleep, which showed up on my Apple Watch as an "outlier" for sleep. It felt great to get that much sleep. I was feeling more revitalized this morning than most other days.

I did all my workouts again. 11.6k steps, 209 push ups, 110 squats, 330 leg raises, 21 pull ups, 21 chin ups, 5.5 minutes of planking, and 30 minutes of jogging. I did everything before 12 PM, except for the jogging which I did at around 1 PM.

Before jogging, I emailed my CPA again, and they finally got back to me. This is what was stressing me out for the longest time, with a lot of stress. Not that much stress actually, but I was pretty worried. They filed my taxes already back on Friday last week, after I signed off on what they would send. So I worried this weekend and these past few days for basically no reason. Whew.

I am freaking tired. I also did a lot of work today, had a meeting, and just did some more work at night while having some anime in the background.

I went to Wal-Mart today too to get some more Beyond Meat burgers since we only have 1 left for tonight. At Costco they were $15 for 10, at Wal-Mart it's $16 for 8, so roughly the same price. I also bought some other ones to try out, like some Beyond Meat steak strips which I've had before, and some BetterGoods plant based nuggets to try out.

I tried the Daring chick'n today for lunch and it was alright. It's pretty high in protein at 19g protein per 120 calories or so. The entire bag also didn't have too many calories, so this was an excellent meal. It's much cheaper to just buy TVP or Textured Vegetable Protein though, they are around $4 for a large bag in Puerto Rico, where pretty much all foods are expensive, and this $4 can last weeks.

The most efficient and best source of protein is from plants. From this supervised study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33599941/, 19 vegans and 19 non-vegans of similar weights and ages were supervised doing the same exact exercises and their calorie and protein intakes heavily monitored to be the same. They tracked changes in muscle size and strength, and they found no difference between the two groups. However, from many other studies tracking other health factors such as aging, risk for diseases such as cancers, diabetes, heart disease, even COVID, vegans had the best benefits and lowest risks for diseases.

Also people don't think about the resources it takes to get animal flesh. Cows can eat over 100 pounds of plants per day and drink over 40 gallons of water per day. In about 1 acre of land of grass, you can raise around 200 pounds of a cow. In that same acre, because plants are extremely easy and efficient to grow, you can grow 150,000 pounds of plant foods for humans. My source for this is FAO's article "Livestock's Long Shadow". The greatest cause of deforestation and animal extinction worldwide is animal agriculture, when we can just choose to not eat any animals at all. It's so easy, yet the world is insane.

People believe themselves to be kind and compassionate, but take part in torture and cruelty. Imagine if everyone in the world ate cats and dogs, and the only ones who didn't were vegans. People would just continue eating cats and dogs without thinking any differently about it, they are tasty and they have protein, and other people do it, so it's all fine. The vegans are the only ones who see the insanity. This is already the same world we live in, except instead of cats and dogs, it's other animals, but it's the same concept. The vegans are the rational ones, truly against animal cruelty, while the rest of the world takes part in it while hypocritically thinking themselves as good.

It is really hard to convince people to give up animal killing though even if you have all the facts, all the benefits, all the rationality, even if they can get the same taste, nutrition, everything without using any animal body parts. It is so hard to convince "rational" and "compassionate" people to do the obvious and stop torturing and killing innocent beings. I try though. It's really really hard, but I really wish people would stop killing animals. There's literally no point to it. This is the irrationality of the world today.

While having these thoughts during lunch, I texted AJN an animal advocacy image that said, row by row, sentences like, "Animals are not products, Animals are not entertainment, Animals are not food..." and so on, with an accompanying picture of an animal commonly used for that terrible purpose. She liked it and updated me on her life situation. There was this girl she wanted me to meet and asked if I was single or if I was interested. I didn't respond to this yet because I don't know. I am single but I am already interested in someone.

When I'm interested in someone, it's really hard for me to be interested in anyone else. I can find other people attractive, but I just wouldn't like them as much nor have any feelings for them. The way AJN describes this person, is that she really has her life together. I could just put down exactly what she said, but it's kinda too much. She seems great, but ugh, my feelings just aren't wanting anyone else at the moment. Maybe I might say sure and just see what she's like.

Anyway, other than exercising, work, Wal-Mart, messaging AJN, not much else happened. I have a few friends I can randomly text every now and then, and maybe I should.

Anyway, that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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