Oct. 20, 2024

Back in Puerto Rico, Car Wouldn't Start And Other Problems

9:42 PM

Today has been a very busy day. I woke up at around 6 AM from a really nice dream, although I don't remember what that dream was about anymore. The past two days, Friday and Saturday, we didn't have any Internet, that's why I didn't write journal entries for those days.

Friday was a pretty typical work day. I started exercising again after taking a rest day on Thursday, but I didn't do 200 push ups this time, I did about 10% of what my past requirements were. So I set 20 push ups as my quota for Friday, and same for the other workouts, 10% of whatever they were on Wednesday.

I did my work, exercised, and Friday was fairly productive. At around 8 PM, the Internet went out for some reason. I did the obvious restarting the router trick a few times, and it didn't work. We called my parent's ISP and they said the cables were outdated, and had to be replaced. They're sending a technician over to do the replacements and repairs on Tuesday, although my dad tried to expedite it, saying for Saturday, and they said they'd try, but it didn't happen. So we didn't have Internet for the rest of the night.

On Saturday, it was a full day without Internet. I did 10% of my exercises again, and packed up, and watched videos, and did some vegan grocery shopping with my parents. Pretty average day.

Today, whew. Today is Sunday, and it was a hectic day. I woke up at 6 AM as I said before, from a dream I don't remember now, but I remembered it being really nice. My parents dropped me off at the airport and then flew off to Puerto Rico. I arrived at around 12:30 PM, and told Eric I was back. He said he would give me a ride, and so he picked me up and dropped me off at my place.

When I arrived back home, my backyard was packed with lots and lots of weeds. The entire yard was full of them again. I was so frustrated. I decided to go to Wal-Mart or maybe Home Depot to get some weed cutting tools, because I had enough of them. I went to my car to start it up, and it wouldn't start up. I'm not sure what the issue is, but I think it's reasonable to assume that the battery is too low power. The battery didn't die, I can power the car on, and the A/C comes up, the windows can roll up and down, the car just doesn't start.

So then I got an Uber to Wal-Mart to look for a portable jump starter. I have this emergency kit in my car, but it doesn't have a jump starter. I couldn't find it at Wal-Mart, they had some empty boxes for them, but I think you had to bring it up to a Wal-Mart employee, and I couldn't find one just walking around.

The place was packed compared to the American Wal-Marts I was getting used to shopping at with my parents. You pretty much could not take 3 steps without running into someone, any direction you go there's just so many people. You are constantly passing by people everywhere, it was so packed. Every aisle was full of at least 5-10 people or more, every single aisle. It seems like I'm exaggerating, but I'm not, it was honestly extremely packed and busy. Anyway, I couldn't find this device there, so I went to Home Depot next.

At Home Depot, I bought a portable jump starter. It was $90 but with taxes it went up to $100. I brought it home and started to charge it, it says it takes 5 hours to charge. By the time it was ready, it was already around 8 PM and very dark, so I'm just going to do it tomorrow. We'll see what happens.

While it was charging, I went out to my backyard again and started pulling out the weeds. This was so annoying. I'm so annoyed. I didn't get to finish because it constantly rained every few minutes. The skies would be clear blue, and there would still be lots of rain. I call these flash rains, because they only occur for a few minutes. I pulled out some weeds though. I'll continue this again tomorrow.

And yeah, it was overall an exhausting day. I also did some exercises at home, 10% of the exercise quota again. I was too tired to do anymore. The flight from VA to PR takes 4 hours, and it's so exhausting and boring just sitting there for 4 hours doing nothing. Then I got home and had to do so much work.

I luckily still had some food though. I have a lot of saved up rice, beans, some vegetables and Beyond Meat burgers in the freezer, and some oatmeal. So I'm good on food for a long time. But it's still annoying. I wanted to buy some lentils today, and some other kinds of vegetables, but I couldn't due to my car not starting up. I'm very tired.

Oh yeah, I dislike mosquitoes. They're back again. I saw one in my room earlier although they haven't attacked me yet. They come and go so rapidly and their bites are extremely annoying.

Anyway, that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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