Oct. 24, 2024

Day After Charity Party

12:25 AM (of Friday, October 25th 2024)

Today is Thursday, October 24th 2024 and pretty much nothing happened today. Last night was the night I attended another charity party. I haven't written a journal entry yet for the first one I attended, which was earlier this year with Mary, and that one was special. It was an event I'll never forget my entire life, especially since I was invited, especially since all the food was vegan, especially since it took place in the wealthiest neighborhood in Puerto Rico (I heard the same neighborhood as Jake Paul and Logan Paul, look up what their home looks like, that's what every home in that neighborhood looks like), especially since a very famous and wealthy person sat at my table right next to me too and we chat and shook hands (not going to name them).

This event from last night was pretty similar. It took place at the highest grossing Airbnb in Puerto Rico, all the food was vegan, the person who owns the Airbnb is plant based (he doesn't eat meat or any animal products but I'm not sure if he's vegan, since vegan is about being against all animal cruelty and exploitation, and very few people are that). The charity owner is vegan, and is so down to earth and friendly, what an amazing person.

The people that attended were all successful people. These kinds of charity events are pretty much exclusive to these kinds of people, and their friends / family, since they get invited to be persuaded to donate several thousands or tens of thousands or more dollars to their charity. The charity talks about their mission, values, what they do and what they've done, what the money will do, and so on. These kinds of events are awesome and they are in my mind because of these kinds of events.

Not all charities are good though. I think for a charity to be good, they first have to consider not torturing and killing animals and serving their body parts, nor paying others to do it for them. It's basic decency and very obvious to anyone that killing is not a good thing to do, especially when it's easily avoidable.

It can be really hard to organize these kinds of events too, because the people going have high expectations. Pretty much everyone attending is successful, famous people and very wealthy people attend. This is why the parties I went to took place in very insanely expensive and fancy properties, the people dress well. It can be pretty intimidating to attending a party like that. This is the second one I went to.

Yeah I kind of mulled over the event a lot today. It was also another significant event to me, being the second charity party I've ever attended. These are nice and I like going. It was cool receiving an invite.

Today I don't know how I felt throughout the day. Probably good? I made a lot of new connections last night since I talked with a lot of people there. I don't know what I'll do with these new connections though. I learned a lot too, but what will I do with this information? What will I do with these new contacts? I'm predicting that I'll do absolutely nothing, because it's difficult to do anything with this.

I worked a bit today and time just went by so quickly. I went to Marshalls and bought some vegan protein powder, and some more No Cow bars. That's all I ate the whole day today. I tried to keep my calorie count below 2000, and I think I succeeded at that. I ate 8 bars throughout the day at 200 calories each which was 1600 calories, and then some protein powder, so I think overall it was under 2000.

So I worked, and watched some anime. Then I went to the gym to exercise with Eric and Gus. Tonight's exercises were extremely easy I think. Just some bench presses and other workouts. I don't feel any soreness whatsoever.

Anyway I'm pretty tired, and that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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