Its men's day today, the girls got a surprise for the boys by giving them snack and certifications after that we went for hot pot. I'm feeling happier today, maybe because I realized that I'm away from my parent's ramble about my future job. I know they mean well but sometimes it really make me feel depressed. I texted my brother again, idk when he's gonna wake up, sent him some encouragement though. He lives away from home, its hard living away from your family. I feel free and high energetic so thats alright got a bit of a beef w my classmate still mad at them though. Postponed my lessons today, I don't wanna waste this free night. Noon got me packed with ideas and inspiration for my stories, I finally cleaned my lockers and finished today's homework. I struggle with recording myself because its weird talking alone. Its not like i have many conversations, I mostly text people so I rarely speak to anyone and its a school setting too. Maybe I'll picked up a book or two if i even have time for books, the test is really close...Guess thats the overall of my day. I don't have much time to write but i'll try my best. Thank you for reading.
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