11:20 PM
So I'm reading random articles on Medium, and some guy writes about how his cousin recently bought a Cirrus Vision, which is a jet aircraft. I looked up the prices of these, and they sell for around $3 million each. Prior to looking up the prices, I arrogantly thought I could afford one. I thought, like boats, they might sell for like $80k or something affordable like that. I looked up the prices of helicopters just now, and some of them do sell for that price range or even less. Private jet aircrafts on the other hand, sell for significantly more.
There are cheaper jet aircrafts though, like the ones by Cessna, some sell for around $200k which is more affordable, though they are used and like 40 years old. Looking up the interiors of these aircraft vehicles, of both helicopters and planes, they sort of look like cars in the interior. Aircraft vehicles have a lot more screens and panels, lots more gauges, lots more knobs, switches, and levers, but otherwise, they look very similar to car interiors. Then that just hit me with the idea that flying cars already exist, they're called planes and helicopters. Most people just can't afford them.
It's the same with meat substitutes. Meat substitutes already exist, and in taste and protein, they're the same or better, from my experience having eaten meat made from animal flesh and ones made from plants. We don't need to wait for synthetic flesh to be produced to already eat meat without killing animals.
Anyway, today was Thanksgiving. The time just went by so quickly. I wanted to go out and walk this morning, but after a minute of walking outside, I went back home. It was way too cold. I could have put on a thicker sweater and some leg warmers, but I didn't feel like going out anymore. Then the time just went by really quickly. A friend I made at a donation party texted me "Happy turkey day!" and I texted them back "for everyone except for the turkeys," he doesn't know I'm vegan and doesn't eat animals.
Mary also texted me today. Well, she texted me a few days ago, and texted me again today. Actually she texted me back like a week ago, and I replied back a few days ago, and she replied back the next day, and messaged me again today. I texted her back again today and we text chat for a bit.
At the family Thanksgiving event this year, my parents and I bought two thanksgiving meals from Loving Hut, and brought it to the event. I also wore a vegan shirt there for the first time. There were some new family members I met, the cousins and relatives of a cousin in law. Nothing really stood out, we just chat about a bunch of random stuff the whole time. It was honestly extremely boring and drama free.
Anyway, I'm very sleepy. I think I'm going to go straight to sleep right now. No more reading. My parents wake up at like 4 or 5 AM, so I'm not able to get as much sleep as I want to now, since I sleep at like 1 AM usually, and my parents turn on the music and YouTube news programs loudly after waking up at 4 or 5. I need to get some sleep. Need it bad.
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