Dec. 5, 2024

41 Push Ups In A Row

10:25 PM

The title for yesterday's entry has a typo. "Geting Fitter", I did not intentionally misspell "getting," but there's nothing I can do to change the title after having it published. Actually I could just delete the entry and post it again with the correct title, but I like letting serendipity do its thing and if there's a typo, there's a typo.

Today I downloaded this app on the app store called PushFit Pro. It's this app I saw the other day while shopping around for apps on Black Friday. Yeah, Black Friday is the best time to buy any apps or any subscriptions. I made a list of apps I was interested in buying if they had a Black Friday sale, but none of them did. So I just browsed and shopped around for apps that did, and I ended up buying Things 3 on Cyber Monday, but PushFit Pro was an app I saw while browsing.

So PushFit Pro is this push ups app, where you place your camera on the floor, and based on either the camera or proximity sensor, it can count how many push ups you do. I wasn't warmed up or anything, I just did it to try it out. I put my phone on the floor and did a push up in front of it, and it counted. I thought, wow! This is cool. Speaking of, I need to show it to my dad, it is that cool. Anyway, I ended up doing 41 push ups in a row somehow.

11:28 PM

I ended up showing the app to my dad, and texted a friend for an hour.

The app has this leaderboard for the most push ups per day / week / month / all time. The scores can be faked, and I think it is being faked by people. Today, someone did 5000 push ups. Other people are doing over 3000 push ups. Is this legit? Unless they have nothing else to do but push-ups, then I think they're cheating. Some of these people are in the overall top score leaderboard for all time, having done millions of push ups, meaning they have consistently been doing 1000+ push ups a day for years, which doesn't sound reasonable or legit. If it were legit, we'd hear of people setting world records using this app.

Anyway, I sometimes get first place in games with leaderboards, games that I actually try in, and I get first place overall, out of everyone that has ever played it. This app however, I don't think I'll ever get anything close to the top 1000, especially when people cheat. I just don't believe there are people doing 5000+ push ups a day for years, and they aren't holding any push ups world records.

How can someone even do 5000 push ups a day? Well the world record is 46,000 push ups in 24 hours. So, I guess 5000 is more believable now. Still, that's an insane number to do. And to do it consistently too? Wow. Every day? Wow.

Anyway, other than that, I worked, and I exercised at the community center again with my dad. The track running direction was clockwise today, so I decided to walk and run the track the whole time. I didn't even get on a treadmill. I sprinted on the track too, and it's such a different feeling from sprinting on a treadmill. I do like the cushion protection that the treadmill has though, it feels far less impactful on my knees. I ran for around 35 minutes today, and walked for around 30 minutes, I sprinted for a minute or two. Maybe it's from the sprinting, but I do feel something on my left knee, no pain or anything, but I feel something off about it, so I'm going to not do any workouts involving my knees tomorrow.

Anyway, that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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