Dec. 16, 2024

the hunt for ralts

I’ve decided: We really need a Ralts.

To assist in this endeavor, I’ve written up a set of guidelines for the Minimally Acceptable Ralts.

  • At least one main skill trigger by level 50 (can be either ability or nature) and a second one by 100. (ofc, the sooner the better)
  • No ingredient+ skills/nature (unless offset by a third main skill trigger).
  • No skill- or speed- nature.


That’s it! We would certainly prefer skill up (to save on skill seeds), but it’s not required, since we have four skill seeds in stock. Not requiring a specific gold skill is going to open up the field for us (hopefully). 

We’d also like any and all helping speed. Surprisingly, we don’t want Berry Finder S. That makes Gardevoir’s inventory fill up more quickly, causing her to enter sneaky snacking mode more quickly, during which abilities can’t proc. 

So, we’re off to Lapis! The plan is to camp here (except for event weeks) until we find our girl. It’s kinda ridiculous that Lapis released in February and we still don’t have a usable Ralts or Dratini. 

I did consider using Sylveon instead. I like Sylveon a lot better, and I have a shiny one. However, consensus is that Gardevoir is better, and my Sylveon isn’t great (doesn’t get any skill trigger until 100). I only have the skill seeds to invest in one of them, so yeah, Gardevoir it is.

Written by Achaius

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