Dec. 30, 2024

Played A Game For Over 11 Hours, New Workout Routine, Back To Dailies

12:12 AM (of Tuesday, December 31st, 2024)

Today is Monday, December 30th 2024, and as the title says, I played a game for over 11 hours straight yesterday (Sunday), and for many hours today (Monday). That's literally all I did yesterday. It's very shameful, I think I have video game addiction tendencies, or maybe these mobile games are just so addicting.

Yesterday (Sunday), thankfully I also went to the community center for two hours and exercised there. I walked around for an hour, did 40 pull ups, 40 chin ups, and 200 push ups. I also used the rowing machine for I think 15-20 minutes, and I used some of the weight machines as well. So at the community center indoor track, there's this old man that goes there every day and walks around the track. There's also this stretching cage near the entrance of the indoor track. For every lap he does, he goes and does 2-3 pull ups. I noticed him doing this the other day, and yesterday (Sunday), I copied him.

Yesterday, after walking around the track for around 20 minutes, I went over to the stretching cage and did 2 pull ups, then I went back to the track to do another lap. That wasn't so hard, I thought. I did 2 chin ups this next lap, and then after that, I started doing 2 pull ups and 2 chin ups every lap. That old man's workout routine is awesome, so I copied it. After around 20 pull ups and 20 chin ups, or after around 10 laps, I started doing push ups as well. I'd do 20 push ups per lap, 10 at every half lap, and I finished doing 40 pull ups, 40 chin ups, and 200 push ups, at roughly the same time. Then I did those other workouts I described above.

Today I did the same exact workouts, but I added squats as well. I wasn't able to do 40 pull ups and 40 chin ups like yesterday, because my wrists started to feel fatigued and I didn't want to push them, so I stopped. I also stopped at 100 push ups. I did do 200 squats today though, my most dreaded exercise, and I did 200 of them. Then I did 10 minutes of the rowing machine, and a couple of the strength machines too.

At home, I probably ate too much. I ate like 2000 calories or something for dinner. Yikes. I've been slowly crawling up my weight, from 173 pounds when I first got here like a week ago, to now over 174 pounds. I hate any weight gain because that's not the direction I want to go.

The rest of the day, I was supposed to meet up with Mary again and we were going to just ride the train and go random places. She had work last night though and got home in the morning, and said she was going to sleep in the morning, so we couldn't do that today. We might be able to do that tomorrow.

What else? Yeah, the rest of the day I played games. Probably a huge waste of time. Time is one of the most valuable assets that we have, and it's something that cannot be replaced. It's actually why I'm fine with spending ever $200 on a mobile game, on in-game purchases, if it meant saving so much time, though, the best way to save time is to just not play at all. I beat this game in around 11 hours with the help of a $17 purchase, or else I think it would have taken me several days of playing and maybe 30+ hours of gameplay, but this game never really ends. Even when you reach the end and it says you beat the game by beating the final boss, it continues on, you will always have more to fight and more to upgrade, it never ends.

It's one of those idle games, where you can upgrade things forever. I think the first idle game was Cookie Clicker, even that game never ended. You can always add more clickers and earn more cookies, even going into the 9999999999999999999999999999999 range, it's neverending. It's the same with this game. It's this "action rpg" where you have a hero and an army walking to the right, fighting monsters, and you can upgrade them as they walk and fight. You gain more income through idle income upgrades, and yeah it never ends. The monsters perpetually get stronger and stronger, and you get more and more income, ad infinitum. Thankfully I only played this game for a couple of hours today.

There's this other game I started today, and I spent around $20 on it. Yeah, yeah, mobile purchases are bad or whatever, and they aren't if they save you time. The purchases I made on this other game, saved like weeks of gameplay. I mean yeah if I really wanted to save my time, I would quit. I think I am uninstalling both games before the New Year. Even though I did spend $40-$50 on them, it's better I quit them and never go back, to save my time which is much more valuable.

I started my dailies again today. I made my bed first thing in the morning, I checked my weight, I did my brain training, did some vegan activism, and a few exercises. Today was a good day because I got these tasks done. I now know what it's like not doing them, and I know those days aren't as fulfilling. So I now try to complete these dailies and it's a good day when I do.

Anyway, that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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