11:35 PM
I actually enjoy getting things done, so it's weird why I don't. It's weird that I procrastinate instead.
11:59 PM
Nice, I just did another task today. A few SSL certificates were expiring on some of my domains. They expired today, but they were still up. I just renewed them and it took just a few minutes. I procrastinated on working on this until last minute. It's weird why I do that.
I have so much work and things to do too, and yet I don't work on them. Instead, I just watch videos mindlessly. I quit games. I watched maybe one anime episode today, or maybe none at all, my memory on this is hazy because I'm thinking maybe I watched that yesterday instead? I read 0 manga chapters today. Yet I still didn't get much work done.
I'm flying to Puerto Rico again tomorrow, and there's stuff I have to do to my backyard to prevent weeds from growing. The problem is that it'll take a few hours or days, and there will so much sun, and lots of physical labor, so I don't want to do this. I could do this at any time, but again, due to the effort, I might not even do any of it. It's easier to just pull out the weeds, which only take like an hour, versus many hours or many days, lifting up all of my concrete slabs and putting a weed blocker underneath.
I could have done this any time since I came up with the idea, but it just takes so much work. It's easier to just not do anything. It's easier to just watch videos, which is what I did today.
Again the ironic thing is that I feel good when I get things done. It feels rewarding. Yet I struggle with working.
I procrastinated on my brain training today until like an hour ago, and I finished them then. I went to the gym earlier with my dad today, and on the drive back I figured I could just skip on my brain training. At home though, I was so bored, that I just did them. They didn't take long at all, and yet it was so rewarding getting first place in all the math games and then I did vegan activism after. It also feels rewarding advocating for the animals.
I renewed some SSL certificates tonight, and that felt rewarding doing some technical work too. I'm writing this journal entry, and it feels rewarding logging my day and everything. Yet it's just so tiring. Anyway. That was my day today.
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