Jan. 6, 2025

I am making me proud

hellooo my journal,

its my 3rd time writing here

rn i do not have motivation to learn, i do not want to go back to school from christmas break (yeah i had it since 23 december)

i do not feel ready! Can i stop time for a minute and just relax? Not for a minute for a day for example. I just like to do random stuff i do at home. I have boots of creativity that i do not have time and energy to make something out of it when i am at school. My english is so chaotic. Just like my mind. Yesterday i made cool dessert! I am proud tbh. I have a lots of things that i am proud of rn if i think about it. I stick to the 30 day plank challange. Today is 8th day, i am going pretty good! I am proud of that. I am proud that my post here are public because normaly i do not post things that show my inner dialoge. I am proud that i learned for my exam tomorrow (I have left like 2 topics). I am proud that I am trying. I am proud of my new bracelet-making skills.

I am proud of myself.

Finally not a sad entry! I am thrilled to share this. (new word to improve my english haha)

Full of proud


Written by julisssa228

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