Jan. 19, 2025

2 nd day of my journaling

hey, today was quite hectic and it still was till 11:00pm since a small concept of the subject i was studying made it a lot stressful for me but at the same tiime i learnt that : 1. it creates patience 2. if there is stress means we are on the write track since nothing comes easy. 3. no need to worry since everyone has gone through the same. Apart from this i had light physical workout in the morning and learnt some facts about roman empire and to be honest it was quite interesting that our calendar system is based on their calendar system aka Julian calendar. So apart from studying i am trying to learn some new facts . read history so that my mind can go to the curiosity mode rather than to doom scrolling or do the usual gen z trash brain rotting.....so yeah today's day was mine i did what i wanted :))signing offf

Written by theaatmik

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