Hii journal!
Today was a great day. Yesterday i did not have any energy but today i am in great form! I was wondering if i am a introvert yesterday but no, rn i am pretty sure that0 i am ambivert. I like going out but staying alone is cool too. I need both. Sometimes more alone time sometimes not.
Yeah i told my friends about my crushie, their reaction was so cute ngl
I have missed themm. I did not even realize it how much. I need my people.
I almost told them about my parents and psychologist meeting, i told them it went horrible and then W asked me how was it, but i did not answer and just shut this question down. I AM SORRY I TRIED OKEY MY STUPID MENTAL HEALTH I WILL DO IT FOR U LATER
Yeah but later i had theater lesson, it was so cool! I have a new role and i am like a fairy haha I love that tbh
I will have so much fun with my group, we are getting to know eachother and it finally feels like a safe space. I like my girls.
My friend also did comming out today to teachers and I am so proud of her!! Everything is okey.
Not my exams tho (not really they are okey i am just overreacting)
I have to do things today tho, like my exchange profil, I am going to Germany again!! It will be so fun! New people, new experience
New things are fullfiling for me. There are lots of thing that i desire. I just love living life like its the last day here.
My future is also importans cause i can not do everything that i want rn. I will tho.
That would be all for today
Have a good day cuties!
Full of optimism
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