Jan. 22, 2025

memories of shiva

I blame raid for the weather. We had an extreme cold snap back when we were originally progging Shiva. Now we’re on to Eden’s Promise: Eternity, who is all like “Memories of Shiva…” and we’ve got another cold snap.

For a while, it felt like the weather was trolling me personally, because it got warm during the latter half of last week (30-40 degrees), then plummeted just in time for Tuesday. Today when I woke up, it was 1 degree out. Tomorrow the high is 0 degrees. However, Noah is anti-troll. He sent us a text on Sunday saying that because of the cold, we’d do our weekly meeting remotely. woop woop

Anyway, I don’t yet have much to say about the Gaia fight, except that I consistently manage to avoid yeeting myself off the edge during thin ice, which I’d say is pretty good. (editor’s note: It’s not actually that good. I keep dying during icicles due to mis-positioning or hitting arms length too early. At least it doesn’t affect anyone besides myself.)

We are also working on memories of Titan, as filtered through newbie’s 1523 hours in Factorio:

  • shapez
  • shapez 2: the sequel to shapez
  • shapez 3: the sequel to shapez 2 (shapesborne)


I wiped the party during shapez 2: the sequel to shapez because I forgot where the orange squares go. (They are southeast during shapez, but east during shapez 2, and I managed to mix this up despite having a brightly colored diagram less than a foot away from me.) We’re probably going to rework our strat to have the oranges go to the same position in different iterations.

Written by Achaius

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