Jan. 26, 2025

Day 3 Fasting - 162.2 Pounds

10:51 PM

It took me 3 days of eating around 2000 calories per day to go from 162.9 pounds to 165.9 pounds. So I think after this fasting is over, I know that I'll rapidly gain weight back again, due to food being in my stomach and glycogen stores being replenished. I'll probably gain 5 pounds from my lowest weight once this fasting is over, but at least it won't be fat, it'll just be water and glycogen.

I'm 162.2 pounds now and 14% body fat. I don't know how accurate that body fat % estimate is, but I'm relying on it since I have nothing else to go on. So I'm about 2-4% away from visible abs, which would be nice to have. And then once I get there, I just have to maintain my body fat % to be this low, to maintain those abs. I also have to maintain my weight, because I don't want to become overweight again.

So this is my third time doing an extended water fast, the first time was in January 2022, and the second time was in January 2023. I did 14 days of fasting for both of those years, for some reason I skipped fasting in 2024. I was around 210 pounds back in January 2022, but fasting helped me get down to 181 pounds at my lowest, and then I bounced back up to the 185s for the rest of the year. Then I fasted again in 2023, and got down form 187 to 171, and that I did not maintain. I quickly went back up to the 180s and went back and forth between the 170s and 180s for years until recently, even though I was exercising almost daily.

Now I've been in the 160s for around a week, I'm already going to go below that soon and reach the 150s. My goal for the next year is to stay within the 150s weight range, and not go back up to the 160s. This will take a lot of discipline, I'll probably have to eat very little the first week to get my body to adapt to the new weight, and to also adjust my diet to not eat as much. When I was in the 170s, my maintenance calories was 2500, so eating 2000 calories meant I would lose weight the next day. When I'm in the 150s, 2000 calories will probably my new maintenance calories, and eating that will probably cause me to maintain or gain.

3:00 AM (of Monday, January 27th, 2025)

I went to bed to close my eyes and passed out for a few hours. Now I'm back. I'm extremely low on energy right now, and I feel light-headed again when I stand up. After breaking my previous fast and eating just a few days ago, I regained my energy and didn't feel lightheaded anymore after standing up. Now I'm starting to get low energy and light-headedness again. I can't sprint or do any explosive energy activity even if I wanted to, I simply do not have enough energy to do it. When I wasn't fasting, I had the energy to sprint anytime I wanted, now I literally cannot do that even if I tried, it's a weird state to be in.

I had a pretty cool dream. I was at the airport for some reason, flying somewhere. It was at an airport I don't even recognize though. I'm at the airport a lot, I think I fly 10+ times a year on average. It was midnight at this airport, and I had this huge random package that I didn't even know what was in there, that I was bringing along with me. The airport was closing at this time, I didn't even know that airports could close. Then for some reason I met this girl who came up to me and started chatting, turns out she is vegan as well, and we both had to get out of the airport because they were closing.

I just remember us walking to the parking lot together, me carrying this huge package and me asking her where her car was, and then her asking about my car. I told her my car had vegan stickers on it and she could try and guess which one it was, so we went around this parking lot at night and she was trying to guess. There happened to be some drama or something near my car, with some drivers shouting at each other, and I think she was distracted because she skipped my car right after we passed it. She guessed this random old red car was mine though, and it wasn't. Anyway we went to her car and she offered me a ride home for some reason, and then some woman named Irina called me while this other woman was driving me home, and I felt she got jealous or something.

Anyway, it's a pretty random dream. Irina was a security guard or something I met that night as the place was closing, and she gave me her contact info to her own accord. I remember the place was closing down and she was hurrying myself and others out, with the metal barriers starting to go down on the windows and doors.

Bock to real life. I'm so tired and hungry. This will be a common theme for the next 5 days, that's how many days I have left of my fasting. I have approximately 120 hours of fasting left, which is exactly 5 days. My fasting timer so far says I've been fasting for 79 hours and 21 minutes, and I will be able to eat again once I reach 200 hours, which will apparently be around 4 AM on February 1st, 2025. My fasting timer by the way is just the stopwatch app on my Apple Watch, I'm not using any dedicated timer or anything.

The next 5 days will be especially tough, especially since I have some work to do. I've been productive in my own right, working on tutorials and learning Godot this weekend. I still had some energy when I was doing that though, I wasn't feeling lightheaded when standing, I still had the ability to sprint. Now I don't. So we'll see how this affects me. Again if I need to, I will take off working this week, but I think I can handle it.

I can't wait until the fast is over and I can eat again and run again. I want to see how much faster and longer I can run for, now that I've lost so much weight. I'm so curious to see. I wonder if I'll be able to sprint extremely rapidly after all this weight loss, and with ease too. I also wonder how many pull ups, chin ups, push ups, etc. I will be able to do once the fast is over. Hopefully I can beat my previous bests records, after recovering energy of course. Anyway, I can't wait.

That was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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