Jan. 27, 2025

boylunches pt. 2: master of blood and shadows

alternate entry titles: no salvation for the sons of man; full comboed by bats; the harbinger of your demise; party in bot lane; this is the end 

It hasn’t escaped my notice that my Snorlax has better meal planning than I do. I’ve mastered the art of low-effort meals that are just above the boylunch threshold. For example, today’s lunch: a toasted sandwich made from sourdough bread (the last two slices), smoked cheddar (sliced off a block), red pepper flakes, and fajita strips (from Walmart). Then for dessert I had a leftover third of a DQ blizzard. Good stuff.

I consider it a virtue to enjoy simple things, like handfuls of shredded mozzarella cheese straight out of the bag. But it sure is a convenient virtue.

On Friday night, we spent three hours doing serious Dracula runs. That boy is tanky. At around two-thirds health, he has a phase transition. This is notable because I’m usually dead by then. You’re supposed to be able to revive people during the transition (according to one post Dante found), but our server somehow got bugged(?) and all in-combat revival is broken.

I was hoping that since Dracula has a properly dramatic phase transition, he wouldn’t also have a second health bar. No such luck. At zero health, he heals to half, and then there’s a phase where he pulls enthralled minions towards him (presumably to heal even more). Then he has a soft enrage/mutual burn phase featuring a lot of bullet spam. That’s as far as we’ve gotten, and so far it’s only happened with numbers alive, since he’s our best dps. He’s got a flame attack that does heavy damage to the boss.

This is a good time to mention I don’t know everyone’s names. We thought it would be funny to have everyone’s name start with V, so I’m Vervain, there’s also Valeria and Victoria, etc., and I cannot keep track of them all. However on Friday’s session I learned that Vorador is numbers, because HGR kept repeating “Vorador alive is our win condition.”

We think the burn phase is fairly straightforward and we’ll probably be able to clear it if we make it there with multiple people alive. Will I be one of them? No. Will I still be in the boss room to receive credit for the kill? Probably no. My corpse typically gets booted from the boss arena in late phase 2, provided the run makes it that far. I’m still going to count it as beating the game if I’m on the squad that defeats Dracula. I feel like I’m griefing the team by existing, since my presence scales up the boss difficulty but I certainly do not do one-fifth of the total damage. However, maybe that’s okay? We are a team.

Written by Achaius

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