Jan. 29, 2025

Fasting Day 6 - 157.6 Pounds

11:48 PM

Two more days. I just have two more days until the fast is done. Then I can finally eat food again. I have to do a refeeding process, starting out with a liquid with calories to kick off my digestive system, then some soft foods, and then finally I can have slightly harder foods. The refeeding process is necessary after an extended fast of over 3 days, because my digestive system has been entirely shut down the past week, just eating anything again without proper planning can lead to serious health problems and even hospitalization. It's happened to a bunch of people already.

My plan is to eat some miso soup, just liquid of course, first. Then after 4 hours, introduce dried passion fruit, and dried figs. Then after another 4 hours, introduce dried chickpeas, and edamame. After another 4 hours, I can eat some nuts and then anything else, all vegan only of course. I honestly cannot wait.

This entire process has been grueling and difficult. Time slows down considerably when you're fasting. To most people, a day is just another day. It goes by in the blink of an eye, without anyone noticing. I've lived many days already. Let's see, I am 31 years and a few months old, using an online calculator, I am 11457 days old. So I've lived thousands of days, and a lot of them passed by in the blink of an eye. Fasting is different. My days feel incredibly slow. I described it to a friend as doing a 1 minute plank, which feels like forever. Fasting is like doing a 1 minute plank for 24 hours a day.

Some people are able to get through it relatively easily. There's this YouTuber I sometimes watch, called Freemelon Society. He is a fruitarian, only eats fruits, and he occasionally does water fasts and dry fasts (no water) for 10 to 14 days at a time. His occupation is a stuntman, and he's been in some hit movies like the Planet of the Apes franchise, and other movies and shows. I don't know how he does it, but while he's fasting, he's still working and doing stunts. The stunts can be extreme, requiring a lot of acrobatic ability, and he's able to show up to work, even 14 days into a fast, and do that kind of physical and strenuous work.

When he breaks his fast, the only thing he eats are fruits. He only eats fruits. Sometimes he might eat raw vegetables. He doesn't eat nuts, no cooked foods, for probably over 10 years. He also eats very little. He does monofeeding as well sometimes, which is just eating 1 type of fruit for days, such as eating only grapes for days or weeks for example.

What's insane, is that he voluntarily exercises while fasting. I don't even know how anyone can do that, but he does. In one of his videos, I think he says he's 10 days into a fast, and that after the video is done he's going to do some calisthenics exercises in his home gym. He's not emphasizing this activity nor bragging about it, he was just describing what he was doing that day in a casual way. This guy has already been fasting for 10 days, roughly the same days as I am in right now, and still exercising. That's crazy.

Maybe it's all about mindset. To him, fasting is just normal and he does it habitually. He doesn't whine nor complain about it like I do. My main desire right now is to just have the fasting over, but I think he doesn't even think about it. He just lives life day by day, and fasting to him is just another day. For me it's a struggle.

Anyway, today I worked. I browsed the Internet. I fasted the whole day. What else can I say?

There is a website, waterfasting.org, which features a professional water fasting coach. WHOA! He just updated his website. Anyway, this guy has been extremely helpful in my fasting journey. The coolest thing is that he is vegan as well, and has done a 21 day water fast and blogged about it every day. When I started this fast two weeks ago, on days 1 and 2, I made it a thing to read 1 of his blog posts per day. When I was on day 1, I would read his day 1 entry, and when I was on day 2, read his second entry, and so on. It's been a while since I did that.

I think now that I'm close to finishing, I can read all of his entries now. He described doing difficult physical work on the first day of his fast, assembling a bookshelf or something. His day 2 wasn't much different. I wonder what happened the rest of the days?

As someone going through fasting right now, it's a tough battle. This is one of the few times in my life where I would think thoughts like "I wish time would go by faster" because most of the time we don't want time to go by so fast. Anyway, I'm so tired. That was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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