Feb. 2, 2025

frypan finds a home

Sometimes I feel like my entire life is hovering over the boydinner threshold.

For instance: In December, Mom was like, “What should I get you for Christmas? Do you want a new frypan?” I was like, “No thanks, I already got one.” She said, “But this one is really good, it’s nonstick.” I let her know that mine was also nonstick.

Anyway, she got me a new frypan for Christmas. For almost the entire month of January, it sat near the entrance of the house, still in the gift bag. There wasn’t room in any of the easily accessible kitchen cabinets.

Near the end of January, I decided that enough was enough. Time to REORGANIZE THE KITCHEN CABINETS. I took out all the non-induction pots and pans (which have sat there uselessly since 2021) and put them all in a labeled box in the spare room. This freed up a bunch of prime cabinet space, in which I put the new frypan. Not sure how much use I’ll get out of it; it’s smaller than my current pan, which is the perfect size for things like pasta and potato blob. But at least it has a home.

The now-empty gift bag is still sitting near the entrance of the house. At some point, I should either put it away or throw it out. Eventually.

Written by Achaius

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