In today’s Walmart delivery, we accidentally got a bunch of stuff that we didn’t order. I caught one of the bags and sent it back with the delivery guy (despite him saying “all this stuff is yours”), but a couple other stray bags slipped in. We got brussel sprouts, various Lean Cuisine meals, turkey burgers, catfish nuggets…
Roommate decided to try out the lasagna Lean Cuisine meal. The box instructions said to microwave it for three minutes without venting, then vent and microwave it for four more minutes at 50% power. “What the fuck,” he said. “I don’t even know how to do 50% power on this microwave.”
“It’s not difficult,” I said.
I would’ve shown him, but instead he opted just to put the whole thing in for five minutes (under the theory that four minutes at 50% power = two minutes at full power). “You’d do the same thing,” he said.
“No I wouldn’t,” I said. “Your lasagna’s going to suck and it won’t be my fault.”
He said it turned out fine. He didn’t elaborate, but I guess the theory is sound. Also, we threw out the brussel sprouts.
I was thinking of this during tonight’s V Rising session when newbie said “ ‘boylunch delivery service’ would be a terrible company name.” It wasn’t even related to the Walmart thing. I think it was about how HGR showed up at the boss arena empty-handed and expected newbie to bring all his pots for him.
Anyway, we beat Dracula! All in all, it took us about six hours of progging the fight, spread between three sessions. At the end, it really was “we.” Dante discovered that reviving wasn’t entirely broken, it just had like a 90% failure rate for some reason. On the winning run, everyone but me was alive for the second phase transition, and numbers attempted to revive me and it actually worked. So we were all there for the final phase of the final run.
I feel like everyone else liked the game more than I did, but that’s fine. I got to like it pretty okay by the end (and I definitely improved at the game in general and the Dracula fight in particular).
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