12:31 AM (of Tuesday, February 11th 2025)
Today is Monday, February 10th, 2025 and I had an extremely busy weekend. This Saturday, I went over to Plenitud which was a 3-4 hour drive with my dad. It was a pretty cool place, we got a tour of the farm, did some activities such as making art with natural resources, and some light yoga and sound meditation. My dad took some photos of me, and I looked great and fit in every single photo. At the yoga event too, I did the full lotus.
I haven't written about it yet, but I was watching some of Eric Dubay's videos. He is the leading flat earther "researcher" or "youtuber" in the entire world, with more than 200k subscribers. I am not a flat earther, but I watch all sorts of videos just so I can learn from them. Apparently, and I had no idea about this, but he is vegan as well. A flat earther linked me his videos maybe a year ago, which I didn't watch any at the time, but I checked out his channel randomly recently and he has veganism videos too. My friend Ami says that's disappointing he's a flat earther, lol, but I think it's pretty cool because he makes videos on other topics such as veganism and yoga too. He has been vegan for over 18 years.
He made this one video on a pose called the Full Lotus. It's a 15 minute video and he goes over how to train to do the full lotus, and it apparently takes months to do it. I did it in literally my first try without any training. I don't know when I watched this video, it may have been around a week ago, but yeah I just never mentioned being able to do the full lotus. It's really easy for me to do, I can do it with either foot being on top, and I can hold this pose for what feels like indefinitely. It's weird to me that there are people who have done yoga for 10+ years and are unable to do this pose, as there are comments in the video that say that.
Due to looking great in every photo now, I wrote an article on weight loss. I called it 90 Pounds of Weight Loss - Lessons from a Weight Loss Grand Master and it probably took only around an hour or two to write. I had all the content and photos already saved up over the years, so even though there's a lot of resources in the article, everything took barely any time to write. Everything was knowledge I already knew about and mastered knowing, since I'd post about those topics all the time. It's a good read for anyone.
Plenitud is unfortunately not a fully vegan farm or organization, just a vegetarian one since they do use dairy in ghee or whatever it's made from. I still donate to them though, since their cause is overall good and in alignment with most of my values. I just don't see any point to using any animal products. There are two other fully vegan organizations I donate to here.
And yeah, in the photo, I was 19/20 years old and obese at over 250 pounds. That was the heaviest I've been in my entire life, although I did get close to that weight just a few years ago. I'm now 31 and healthier than ever. My weight did fluctuate over the years, but now I'm at my lightest and fittest. Hopefully there's no more weight fluctuations from here on. I feel great, I'm swift, nimble, strong, healthy, vegan for over 12 years. I'm proud of the transformation.
On Sunday, it was another extremely busy day. I went to Vegan Paradise festival with Eric, Gus, and Guy. We were kicked out for aggressively interviewing people. The place was packed though, thousands of people were there, which was awesome.
Anyway, today, Monday, I just worked the entire day. Literally the whole day. Pretty much 10+ hours of work or something like that. I didn't watch any anime, didn't play any games. Just worked pretty tirelessly. I got a decent amount. Awesome.
That's really exciting! I'm going to be turning 18 this year, and reading this has truly inspired me. It makes me think about the kind of person I want to become as I start my first year in college. I'm particularly looking forward to exploring new subjects, meeting diverse people, and discovering more about myself during this pivotal time in my life. Thanks for sharing this motivation! :)
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