A couple things I forgot to mention about last week’s raid: First, newbie was gatekeeping Japanese car fandom. We were talking about “memories of Titan” and how Gaia should turn into a car, which is the most iconic Titan mechanic. Dante said, “I think a Japanese car is what I want to go with.” Then newbie was like “Oh yeah?? Name one Japanese car.” (He couldn’t, or at least didn’t.) smdh newbie, stop being toxic
Second, we had a whole conversation about how to apply reductive Agdistis terminology to the lions. Technically, they count as “dogs” because they’re on all fours.
Anyway, enough about Titan and dogs, because this weekend we cleared part 1! On Saturday we got enrages at 7.1% (twice) and 3.5%. On Sunday we got an 0.9% enrage (oof) before clearing. We had 50 minutes left to start on part 2. She’s SO cool??? This totally makes up for the part 1 music and aesthetics sucking.
(It’s actually not correct to say “enough about Titan and dogs,” since we’ll have to get consistent at the door boss. During lions, I was having trouble getting to my bait spot in time for the third lion blast, so we officially adopted a new strat called “Achaius ignores the release mechanic and just eats a damage down every time.” We love ignoring mechanics in this house.)
(On a subsequent run, trying out the new strat for the first time, I tried to preposition and accidentally stole second bait from newbie. That wiped the raid. oops!! well, I’m sure it’ll be a worthwhile change once I get it down)
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