Feb. 17, 2025

A Rocky Start

You know it’s going to be rocky start to the school semester when the principal sends you an email with a new timetable because two teachers have unexpectedly not turned up to work after the holiday and now the whole staff have to rally round and compensate for it.

This whole day feels like it happened in a dream and I’m left wondering about the nature of reality again. It doesn’t help that I’ve been reading Sophie’s World recently and it’s sending me a bit nutty. I even started talking to my students about philosophy and theology today, which I certainly should not be doing. To be fair, they started it with their questions, I just continued the conversation with the knowledge I’ve gained from the book.

Every moment of this day honestly feels like I dreamt it last night though.

I went through the day in a daze, partly because I barely slept and my brain is foggy with a cold, but also because I can hardly believe I’m back again. Facing the same students, facing the same attitudes and problems, facing the same endless lists of tasks that can never get done in the day. There has to be something more than this surely? Not that I am going to be able to answer the questions that philosopher’s have been struggling with for over two thousand years. I’m almost at the end of the book and I haven’t gotten an answer yet, I presume there isn’t one and that we all just have to accept that things are the way they are, life is finite, and most of us will spend the majority of our time here wasting away in a job we hate.

I suppose it’s the constant search for more that keeps us really alive isn’t it?

Written by K_A_T_Z

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