Feb. 18, 2025

Petty Emails

My second day back served as an excellent reminder of the hardest part of my job. It’s not what you might think, dealing with the kids. It’s actually dealing with the idiocy and childishness of some of my colleagues.

Three grown men all above the age of 35 writing complaint emails back and forth but not one of them actually thought of taking the time to solve the problem. In the time it took them all to write and send their emails, they could have fixed the thing they were writing the emails about and never would have had to send them in the first place. I despair many days over the incompetency of some people. Perhaps they do it on purpose, they love the drama too much, they love to complain and they have plenty of time on their hands to draft emails and bother other people with their petty woes.

The students were the least of my problems today. Instead of leaving on time, I spent an extra 40 minutes at work solving a problem which could have been done in 10 minutes by the people who started the problem in the first place. Alas, we can’t all work with saints and angels. I for one, do not.

One problem down, two days done, how many more until the summer holiday?

Written by K_A_T_Z

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