I overdid it with how long I ended up working through the first section of my licensing exam study guide and course manual. I didn't go outside at all today, I skipped 2 meals, barely drank water for the past 14ish hours, and it's already past 4 AM right now. I've sort of deduced that if I keep working 8 hours a day on getting done with the initial step of working through the manual, it will take 10 days for me to have the information that I need to develop an exam prep plan (based on my strengths and weaknesses subject-by-subject). It's going to take a while because of writing notes to make flash cards while working through every part of the manual. I'll just have to not work at my part-time job for a while longer - but it'll be for necessary, productive reasons, at least. I've had this job since before I started grad school, but I have been working shifts over there less often due to prioritizing my studies and personal life. Now that I've graduated, I can finally take this exam to become licensed to practice in this career. Let's just hope that I will follow though with preparing well enough. If all goes well, I could be allowed to schedule my exam on April 21. And if everything is really going well, I'll have studied thoroughly enough to pass the exam.
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