9:23 PM
Today was a very active day. I went to the lineal park early this morning, started driving there shortly after waking up at around 5:30 AM. There was a lot of internal debate about whether or not I should even go, because it's around a 30 minute drive to get there. I had to decide quickly though, because otherwise the opportunity to jog while it was still dark out would vanish. The sun in PR can be extremely brutal, with UV ratings going up to 9-10 on most days, and sometimes going up to 11-12 (the maximum). Compared to London, the average UV levels there during this season at peak noon is a 1 or 2. Even if it's bright and sunny in London, the UV can still be low. Even Arizona, which is very hot, sometimes the UV levels there are just 2 as well, even on extremely hot days.
Anyway, it was annoying, but I decided to go to the park. I got there by around 6 AM, and I started walking for around 10 to 15 minutes as a warmup before jogging. I jogged at an average pace of around 12 miles per hour, for an hour, so I ended up just running 5 miles. It's actually a huge coincidence that I reached my car on the 1 hour mark, almost exactly.
The rest of the day I felt ecstatic and happy from the endorphins after running for so long. This is what they call the runner's high, because all these hormones and chemicals get released from your brain and gut organs, to cells throughout your body, numbing you to pain, and making you feel elated. I felt that way for the entire day. The problem with feeling that way is that it's hard to sit still. I felt way too good to sit down and do anything.
I ended up eating and completing my brain training. I am dominating every brain training app right now. I set several new personal records in several games, even difficult memory games.
I got a perfect score somehow in this one very difficult memory game, I can't believe I did that well, getting a perfect. Isn't that crazy? I think the game is difficult, it gives you photos of 6 to 9 foods to memorize, and you have to find those 6 to 9 foods from a shelf of 40-50 other foods. There's 5 rounds per game, starting with 6 items at the easiest difficulty, up to 9 items at the hardest, getting progressively harder if you get the previous round correct, or getting easier if you get even one item wrong. I got a perfect score on every single round. Isn't that insane?
It was the same for every game I played today. I did well or set new records. That's amazing.
Then I took a nap, did my workouts, ate some more, walked outside for another hour. I exercised for 3 hours today basically. Of course I did some vegan activism posts on X and Threads. And then I went on Medium and read for a few hours. Yeah, no anime, manga, or any kind of entertainment today.
I am relaxing the rule though, at night time, if I finish everything, I will be able to indulge in those things. I am really tired at night anyway, and my judgment, self-control, and everything, is poor, so I can't resist doing those activities, so I just let myself do them as long as I finished everything else. I probably still won't watch any anime or anything tonight, but I'm not barring myself since I've completed every task for today.
Anyway, that was my day today.
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