11:49 PM
The past week has honestly been quite incredible. I'm not only productive at work, but my mood is good, and I'm getting a lot of physical exercises done. The past few days I've been pushing myself physically. I know I'm not super fit or anything, my VO2 Max is only at 38, which is extremely low, and I still have so much fat around my stomach, but I'm setting new personal bests in different workouts which are the best I've ever done in my entire life.
Today has been no exception. I set a new personal best (or PB aka Personal Record or PR) for push-ups, when I did 43 in a row today. It's nothing insane, it's not a crazy amount, but it's the most I've ever done in my life. I could have actually gone for more, I probably could have done 45 or 46, but I'm planning to only increase my max push-ups by 1 each week. Yeah, this is all planned and structured. This is also how I set a new PR (same thing as PB) for pull-ups and chin-ups the past few days.
So, my workout schedule every day is that I'm doing a certain amount of pull-ups, chin-ups, push-ups, squats, leg raises, crunches, side-crunches, and bicycle kicks. I'm also attempting a max for pull-ups, chin-ups, push-ups, 1 hour distance, and planks for a designated day of the week. I'm not doing a plank daily at all, I haven't done a plank in months probably, but I'm going to attempt for a max plank at least once a week.
On Mondays, I attempt a push-up max, on Wednesday a plank max, on Friday's a pull-up max, on Saturdays a chin-up max, and on Sundays a 1 hour distance max. I just try to do as many as I can for these workouts for 1 set, on these days. I still have to fulfill my minimum quota for that workout for the day, but for at least 1 set, I go for a max attempt on for those specific workouts on their specific day.
This workout plan and schedule is one I made up entirely on my own. I took advice and workouts from what other people were doing, read different studies on workouts, fitness, health, psychology, and crafted this style of daily workouts all on my own to get the maximum fitness and health benefits every day. I call it Megg's Workout Method or MWM. It's pretty lame, but this is all original.
I honestly never feel sore. I don't know why not. I ran for an hour yesterday, did these workouts for an hour yesterday, and walked for another hour yesterday, taking 22k steps total. For the past week too I've been doing all these workouts, and on Friday and Saturday, did a maximum attempt for them. Today I did all these workouts, did a maximum attempt for push-ups and set a new personal best, and I also did something crazy tonight.
So I ended up eating too much today, and I crashed at around 4 or 5 PM. I couldn't handle the foods I ate. I ate like 8 Clif Bars today. I know, I shouldn't have, because of the potential weight gain and everything, but I did anyway. This has a lot of sugar, which is a quick energy food. I don't have anything against sugars at all, I eat a lot of them through dried fruits and rice and other foods, and I don't gain any weight, but I do with these Clif Bars. Anyway, after an hour of eating these, I crashed, I had no energy and basically just passed out in the living room futon. It was so comfortable though, I just closed my eyes and couldn't get up again until I was rested.
I woke up at around 7:30 PM, and I still had 5k steps to take for the day. So you know what? I did them. I could have done it outside in the neighborhood again, but I felt like it was so late and dark out already, that I just did it at home. I just walked back and forth in my home, over and over for 45 minutes. Except, I also did something special. I lifted weights at the same time, doing curls as I walked. I want bigger arm muscles, because apparently girls like that. I've seen some Red Note and Instagram reels, of a guy flexing, and the comments are girls going wild. I'm like, what. So yeah, I want that.
I don't think I'll be as muscular as the majority of these famous ones, because I'm sure a lot of them take steroids. Their physique just doesn't look so attainable for a natural, but I still want some muscular arms.
So I started doing curls as I walked, and I started with 2.5 pounds on each hand. It's a very light weight, but it's a start. For around 25 minutes I did curls with 2.5 pounds, and then I moved on to 6 pounds. For another 10 or so minutes, I walked around doing curls with 6 pounds. Then lastly, I moved on to 12 pounds, and did curls for 5 minutes with 12 pounds.
I must've done probably 1000 reps or something like that, for both arms, doing these weights. I mean I was just constantly walking back and forth over and over, doing curls the whole time. It's been a few hours since then, and I feel absolutely no soreness whatsoever. I didn't even feel sore as I was doing them too, even with the heavier weights. And this is after 3 hours of working out yesterday, an hour of working out today, and lots of max attempts and everything the past week. I feel no soreness whatsoever. That's insane. I attribute my immunity to soreness and my personal records to my vegan diet and lifestyle by the way, I love it.
Also, I talked to a few girls today. Oh yeah, just like always, to do 43 push-ups, I used Wahl as a reason. I was like, if I can set a new PB for push-ups today, then Wahl and I can date, and I accomplished it. But because I was a little frustrated with my dating life and I'm not getting any love from her right now, I decided to open up and talk to other women. So I talked to a few today, some might not even be romantic interests for me, but are just friends, maybe even potentially visit and be with casually, but not romantically serious, who knows.
One girl, Yuzu, has been wanting to meet up with me for a while. She's in Germany, I think 19 or 20, she's pretty cool and attractive. Yeah, she still wants to meet up, and we discussed it. I might meet up with her some day, she's cool. If she's fine with dating me, then I'll take her out on dates as well.
I kind of hate being in my position, I just want to date and love someone, be in love with them and have them love me back, but it's just so frustrating. I can't even say this directly to anyone, because girls hate it and view it as pathetic. It's so stupid, because the same girls can post about wanting guys like this, but they just reject you if you tell them you're looking for the same thing. I think girls don't like the romantic type if you don't also look good at the same time. If you are amazing looking, it doesn't matter if you are romantic or treat them like trash, they'll be into you, but from my experience, women like you more if you don't treat them well.
Anyway, I don't even know if I'll meet up with Yuzu or anyone else. Who knows. I also got on Veggly again today and updated my photos and description, and I liked one person and matched with them, and messaged them. I also DMed another girl on threads, she's very attractive. Oh yeah, everyone I message is vegan. I don't even know if I should open up to other people and just set up a Tinder again. I might. What's surprising is I got matches and dates on Tinder when I was obese, that's freaking insane. I'm fitter now but older, would I be able to do anything similar? All my firsts were basically when I was obese, and I can't even believe how that's possible, and it was basically the women asking me out.
Anyway, life is pretty good, I hope I can become attractive and do better in life and everything, and that was my day today.
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