I made a vague new years resolution at the start of January, and this month I've been trying to narrow it down a little and make it more specific. My new years resolution was that I wanted to start doing things instead of putting them off for later. More precisely, putting off things that I can do right now, but am putting off because I feel like I just can't do them well enough, or at least as good as I want to be able to do them. I realized over the last year that I've become scared of making mistakes or failing, whether that failure is objective or more from falling short of my own (sometimes unrealistic) expectations of myself. I think I've become scared of trying new things or taking risks, even small ones that don't carry any real weight or consequence. I'm not sure exactly what a good revision would be, maybe to just do things without trying to make it perfect? Letting go of trying to make it perfect or getting it to be just right, and instead focusing on trying to get it done. I think that's what I'm going to go with for right now. When working on a task or project, try to get it done rather than delay to try and make it be perfect.
The other thing I'm trying to work on this year is getting through my backlog / bucket list. It's a physical list I started to put together a couple years ago, I'm really not sure what to call it because it has such a mix of things, like cleaning out the garage, trying paintball, or learning how to play the guitar. Basically anything that I want to do but that I know I won't get around to doing soon I ended up writing onto that list so that it wasn't cluttering up my To Do list or my head. But now I have a couple of pages of things that I want to actually get around to doing. I tried setting it as my new years resolution last year, but the main issues I ran into was a lack of either time or money and not being organized enough to work on the larger projects. For the projects, I also put some of them off because I didn't think I could do them well enough at the time, and so I was kind of waiting for a better time. I don't think I'm going to try to set a new year's resolution to get a certain number of tasks or projects done this year, last year I got discouraged when I started to fall behind and kind of gave up near the end of the year. Instead I think my goal will just be to work on my backlog / bucket list tasks. I might track how often I work on it, or maybe I'll pick a couple of projects from it to focus on this year. I'm not sure yet, but that is going to be another goal for the year.
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