March 2, 2025

Fallen at the First Hurdle

Staring out with firm goals and a determined mind does not guarantee a success.

When I made the promise to myself that I would get back to journal writing and make an entry here every day I didn’t know that I would soon come down with pneumonia. I suppose it’s not really my fault, directly anyway, that I got sick and couldn’t gather strength enough to lift myself up from a lying position. For more than a week now, everything has been on pause. All my personal goals, all exercise, and all plans of bettering myself. Everything except reading of course, which I put on hold for nothing, and what else are you going to occupy your time with when you’re stuck lying on the sofa for several days?

I’m getting back to my normal self now, and I’m hoping to get back on track with my goals as quickly as I can, starting with journaling again and keeping track of my progress here. I did go back to work, once the antibiotics started to take effect. Taking time off is not ideal, even though I wasn’t fully recovered. I can’t take a lot of time away because the classes still need to be taught, the planning still needs to be done and the world keeps turning even when time seems to stand still for me inside my bubble.

I have a long list now of things I need to restart. Working on my financial goals, doing online courses, completing my physio exercises each morning, daily language study, weekly gym classes, editing my book, and reducing the seemingly endless length of my current to-do list. It’s a lot, and I know I can’t just restart it all at once, I tire easily still, but step by step I can get back on track and hope that my health continues to improve along the way.

Although I failed in my new goal of journaling after only a few days, as long as I don’t give up entirely, I can pick myself back up and keep on running towards the next jump.

Written by K_A_T_Z

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