Why does Monday always have to be difficult? Even though it is my easiest day at work. I have my lightest teaching load with only one class to actually teach and one meeting. The rest of the time I have free periods to get planning done and whatever other tasks have fallen into my lap that week. So why is the hardest morning to get up a Monday? There is nothing I have to dread about the day at all. In fact, other days of the week I miss Monday and look forward to the next one (not as much as Friday though but that’s a given). So why do I still sigh in frustration every Monday morning when the alarm goes off and I have to get out of bed?
I wondered to myself today, will this be the rest of my life? Am I going to spend my entire life being resentful when I need to get up for work on a Monday morning, or is there a way for me to make peace with it and thus feel more at peace with life in general? It’s a truly horrid thought. That every week for the rest of my working life I am going to feel miserable waking up in the morning. I don’t think life should be like this. I need to work on finding a way to accept that Monday’s will always come around and then maybe I can feel happier generally.
Maybe I need to change to a job that doesn’t start at 8AM, then perhaps I can feel more satisfied with my sleep and ready to get out of bed if it means I can start later on. I’m really not a morning person. My brain functions faster and is much clearer in the evening and nighttime. That’s when I do all my writing anyway. What job could that be though? The whole world seems to function solely on the assumption that we’re all morning people and should all get up at the crack of dawn because that’s when we can get the most done. Let me tell you, I can get nothing productive done before 10am for sure.
At least this way, I can get my work done and out of the way during the part of the day I hate the most, and then I have my favourite part, the late afternoon and evening all to myself to focus on the things I want to do. Perhaps that’s the great thing about a Monday after all.
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