6:32 AM (of Wednesday, March 5th, 2025)
Today is Tuesday, March 4th, 2025, and it's the 4th year anniversary of when I moved to Puerto Rico back in March 4th, 2021. It's an easy date to remember, because it's also a pun, March 4th (march forth). To commemorate this event, and because I wanted to drop more body fat, I decided to fast again.
It's been over a month now since my most recent fast ended, lasting 14 days. Despite it being over a month since eating again, I have not regained back my weight at all. I gained 5 pounds after 1-3 days of eating again, and have remained that weight this entire time. That's quite an accomplishment I think, because during my second 14 day fast in 2023, I regained basically all of my weight back within a month (14 pounds). This time I've kept it off entirely for a month, so that's pretty remarkable.
This time I'm aiming to fast for just 5 days, until March 9th, 2025. I might go longer, depending if I am able to. It's mainly a mental battle with fatigue and hunger and stress. I'm going to be laying in bed against most of the time, and work from there and do most things from there. It'll be relaxing.
I enjoy fasting because the results occur so quickly. It is difficult, but not that difficult for the results. It's harder in my opinion to lose weight via a caloric deficit, because that can take months and years. This entire month I've been exercising and tracking my calories, and my weight has remained the same, although my body fat % and muscle % were changing little by little. Apparently this is called body recomposition, or recomp for short, which is like getting the best of bulking and cutting at the same time, burning fat while gaining muscle.
From my research online, recomposition should be mainly for people already shredded, as in they have abs and muscles already visible. For people not yet muscular with abs showing, it's recommended to either cut or bulk, depending if you need to lower body fat % or increase muscle. In my opinion, I need to lower my body fat % for me. I think I have a decent enough amount of muscle, although not huge, my arms, legs, back, and abs, are pretty muscular already, they just have a large amount of fat covering them, so I want to lose that fat.
For survival reasons, having fat is pretty great. It's used as survival in case of starvation or hunger. I have a lot of fat still within me, that's how I can literally go without food for 14 days and be completely fine. The problem is, we're not in any situation where survival or hunger is common. Most of us have an abundance of food, which is why over 70-80% of Americans are overweight or obese, and yeah that statistic is true. All of us also needlessly eat animal parts and secretions, no one needs to buy or eat any animal part at all, I haven't for over 12 years, and have lived through heavy life experience and nearly every body size.
I'm actually glad I went through a second morbidly obese phase in 2020-2021. I only have photos of when I was 200 pounds on my iPhone, so I'd have to look at my previous phones for photos of when I was 230 pounds at my heaviest in 2020-2021. My heaviest of all time was in 2012-2014, when I was consistently over 230 pounds, and probably over 250 pounds but I didn't check my weight daily. It's great and interesting that I took some photos and videos during 2012-2014 and 2020-2021. It's annoying to dig through to find them, but they're somewhere, and I can compare them to my current size now.
I am pretty healthy and fit now. I can fit in shirts that are size small and often even extra-small (XS) size shirts. I bought all of the XS shirts at Marshall's recently, there was only 1 shirt one time, and then two another time, so they had just 3 total, and I bought them all. I've checked the Small section at Marshall's every time I go, just to see if they have any more XS shirts, and they don't. I went there today too. Anyway, one of the shirts shrank after being washed, and I don't fit into it anymore, which is why I say I can just "often" fit into XS shirts.
What my next goal is, apart from all the work and business things that I have going on, is to finally have visible six pack abs. That would be such a dream come true. Then I can post photos of myself with abs, and it would be so cool. I don't actually even know if I'll look good with abs, but I hope so. Pretty much every guide I've read on getting six pack abs say you just need to drop your body fat percent to 10-12%, and that it doesn't matter all that much how muscular you are or how much you've been training, it's the body fat % that needs to drop.
I would say I am already quite muscular. You know what's strange? That I can fit into size XS shirts despite weighing 160 pounds at 5'9-5'10, and having 23 BMI. There are people my size who weigh less than me, and can't fit into size XS. I don't even look thin or anything, I look pretty fat and heavy still, seriously, and yet I fit into size Small and Extra-Small (XS).
I really wonder what I would look like with an athletic and muscular frame. It's also quite surprising that something so subtle like a 1-2% body fat difference, is enough difference between an athletic build or a mid dad-bod build, seriously. There's hundreds of photos online of people looking very average because they have 15% body fat, and then they look like a muscular beast with 10-12% body fat. I think that's insane that level of difference. I hope I can achieve that too, and experience 10-12% body fat.
I've taken enough pictures now at 15% body fat, that I will have a lot to compare between when I'm at 10-12% body fat. I hope the difference is remarkable, and that I can show off photos to people online, and friends, and relatives. I'll probably the first in my entire family to have six pack abs, and I have family that played sports and considered themselves athletes. It's weird why they never had abs.
Anyway, today was amazing. I woke up, and my toothbrush stopped working. I had this paranoia thing where I was like, omg this is a bad omen, but it's just a toothbrush that stopped working. Nothing else negative at all happened throughout the day. I also bought a new toothbrush at night, at Marshall's. Things eventually break, it doesn't mean we have to assign a negative superstitious connotation towards it. Last year car stopped working when I got back, and I had to get it towed and the battery replaced, this toothbrush not working anymore is nothing compared to that.
I walked for around 30 minutes outside at 7 AM, my fast already having started at 12:00 AM on March 4th, 2025. At home I did 1 rep of my normal workouts, just 1 rep so I can have some muscle activation, so that they hopefully stay in tact while I lose weight.
Then I worked at home throughout the day, until night time when I went out to Marshall's to buy some dried fruit for when my fast would end, and also that toothbrush. The dried fruit is basically an easy emergency food for my fast. It's a great way to break my fast, and it's also easy to eat in case of emergencies if needed, haven't really run into any of that during any of my fasts, but it's there just in case.
Anyway, that was my day today.
Bro that cool, man, how do you even stay without eating for so long!! I can't stay without having a snack for one day. I respect you, man. Good luck!
@himesh I already failed haha, it's tough. Made it to 40 hours but caved. Thank you though, I am restarting again and will write about it in my latest entry.
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