March 10, 2020

2020/03/10 - Adventourous processing (setup)



Christoph (penpal) had send me a few links because I told him I wanted to do processing outside of school. (note: I'm less than a beginner, so i have no experience) I chose the linux version because i don't think the chromebook is windows as it has chrome os but also a beta version of linux, i just had to install it.

But the set up was an adventure...

First, open a terminal. What even is that? I found out it was the thing linux opened. I typed in exactlx what i was instructed to and pressed enter. It created a lot of folders. But then i couldn't get farther. What was i supposed to do? i couldn't find something called "cd processing" and not even my dad could help me. So I asked Christoph as he has a lot of experience there. He asked me to type those things into a terminal. It worked! (yay). But he doesn't know how to create a connection thing on a chromebook, but it'll work the way we did it now. I marked those messaged wit a star and wrote the lines into my notes. Then I'll type them into a terminal whenever i want to try processing and ta-dah. But i wonder if there was a way to save these terminals and set it up that way that processing appears like an app, amm icon i can open it with so that i don't have to use the terminals directly.

Then I really shpuld go to bed it's already 21:40!


Written by Plesi`

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